Student News - PLC3

In PLC3 this semester, as part of our integrated unit about food and exploring our senses, we are having some fun cooking different foods. We are learning to use our senses to feel, smell, look at and taste different foods. With some help from our Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologist we are exploring a range of adaptive cooking equipment using switches to activate the machines. 

This week Chefs Anna, Emma, Archie, Raf and Gabe were hard at work making yummy pancakes. We looked at, touched, and smelled the ingredients and then took turns to make the pancakes. We used a switch to start and stop the hand mixer, and to combine all the ingredients together. Once the pancakes were cooked, we used our hands to feel and touch the pancakes and had a taste. We had lots of visitors coming in the PLC 3 Kitchen to see where the delicious smells were coming from. 


We can’t wait to see what’s next on the PLC 3 Restaurant menu.