Junior School

Student Led Assembly preparation is underway!
The Junior School Staff are excited to work with student leaders within our Junior School community who are willing to design and lead in the end-of-term celebration assemblies. It is not too late for students to get involved. Come and speak with Junior School to register your interest.
Thank you to those families that continue to support their students to uphold the expectations of our Uniform Policy. Junior School staff are constantly monitoring students' capacities to meet the expectations set out in the College Planner.
Junior School Staff regularly remind students that adhering to the school expectations is a sign of their own personal and social capabilities. We encourage families to regularly review with their children if they are meeting and exceeding the attendance and uniform expectations of the college.
New Junior School Wellbeing Support
Term 3 has seen a new group of Wellbeing Placement Students arrive at the College. We are excited to have Tiegan, Helena, Isabelle and Hannah associated with Junior School. Part of their role will be monitoring attendance, providing practical support, working with students who are removed from class as well as working on projects that will benefit DSC into the future.
Families may receive phone calls from Tiegan, Helena, Hannah and Isabelle, if their child has been away for multiple days. This phone call is to check and support the student with an absence learning plan and planning the return to school.
Drew Hanna
Year 7 Positive Climate and Community Engagement Leader
Junior School Literacy Update
This week we began the MS Readathon! In just our first few days we have raised over $200 to assist kids who have a parent living with multiple sclerosis.
The MS Readathon runs for the month of August, so there is still time to sign up, or, you can donate at https://www.msreadathon.org.au/fundraiser/DoncasterSecondaryCollege.
See Mr Dunn in WBlock for more information.
To coincide with the MS Readathon, we are also encouraging all year 7 and 8 students to read independently for 20 mins a day, 5 days a week. Last term the yr8's took part in this initiative with a high level of participation, so we are excited to have the year 7's involved this time as well!
Check in with your yr7 or yr8 English teacher if you have any questions about the program.
The month of August also includes Book Week! Stay tuned for how we will be celebrating it at DSC!
Kirk Dunn
Junior School Literacy Leader
Year 7s Go Wild!
On Monday 17th July, the science classrooms in W-Block transformed into a wild oasis as Zoologists from Wildlife Encounters delivered a 1-hour interactive and extraordinary wildlife experience.
In Year 7 Science, our students have been delving into the classification of species, understanding the differences between kingdoms, and unraveling the secrets of adaptation. This Wildlife Encounter incursion brought all their classroom learnings to life as students were able to touch and hold classes of mammals, birds, amphibians, insects and reptiles.
Students left the experience with wonderment and respect for our natural world and the importance of protecting Biodiversity.
Junior School Family Maths Challenge
Congratulations to Ashlee M. of 7B for winning the Term 2 Family Maths Challenge!!!
Here is Task 2...