Year 6 Exhibition Report

On Thursday 13 October, our grade sixes presented the MPS Exhibition. 

The Exhibition is an annual event presented by the current grade sixes and is a major milestone and celebration of learning. 

Each group presents a large amount of information about a problem that their group  is passionate about. Each group has two to four members and they take ten weeks to complete their boards, Google sites and Exhibition journals. 

Due to grade four camp last week, the Exhibition was opened prematurely to the grade four students on Tuesday and was presented fully to the parents on Wednesday after school.

An iceberg is much larger on the bottom than the top. The same is true for the Exhibition. 

The two to three minute experience a visitor has is countless hours for the people who made the presentation. 

From the experience of someone presenting Exhibition, realising when all your work comes together in a successful presentation really pays off all those hours spent working. Personally, I believe pinning everything up near the end truly showed how much work an effort went into all the elements: group discussions, question drafting, research, digging for legitimate information, organising data, more group agreements and discussions, drafting presentation, making a final copy, going over the text in a fine marker. 

All of it comes together with four pins, one in each corner.

Keir 6C