
I would like to welcome back students and their families for Term 4. It is hard to believe how quickly the year has progressed; the next eight weeks provide a great indication on how the five dimensions of wellbeing at the College are practiced. It will be an extremely busy time with many students involved in camps, retreats, social justice forums, summer co-curricular commitments and final examinations or assessments. 


It will be important for students to be well-organised, utilising their diary to ensure that key activities and tasks are noted; similarly, it is an opportune time for students to be completing their goal-setting for Term 4 while also reflecting on the goals that were set for Term 3.


We regularly comment on the growing number of issues relating to internet and social media use by our young people. There are many great resources available for parents/carers and students alike. Like many, I had an opportunity to see parts of the Channel 10 program Mirror, Mirror on Monday evening. I have certainly received feedback from some parents/carers and colleagues indicating how confronting it was to see how easy it was for young people to be placed in compromising situations while online. I encourage parents and carers to view the program and have a discussion with their son about their experiences when using social media.


Finally, I pass on my best wishes to our Year 12 students as they commence their HSC examinations today. As a parent of a HSC candidate this year, I have lived the experience of stress, tears, laughter, and pride in achieving goals and results. As much as the focus is on our students, I take a moment to thank parents and carers for all that you have done to support your son’s wellbeing over the last 12 months.


Robert Simpson

Director of Wellbeing