Deputy Principal

The Importance of Being on Time and Showing Respect to the Whole Community

Some parents/carers would have noticed over the last two weeks of last term that we have implemented a new SMS system that alerts parents/carers when their son is late to school. It is important to note that all students should be inside the College gates by 

8:35 AM. This gives your son/s five minutes to be inside his classroom as classes start at 

8:40 AM. 


I realise that life is busy, and parents/carers are often juggling multiple commitments; dropping off more than one child or getting out the door and at work before their son gets up to take public transport. However, classes start at 8:40 AM and it is disrespectful to staff and other students in the class when a number of students sign in to the College late, which then disrupts the learning of the class. 


Can I please ask that if you are dropping your son off at school, that it is before 8:35 AM. If your son takes public transport and you are getting an SMS informing you that he is late, then can you please have a conversation with him about leaving earlier to get to school. 


I realise that there will always be exceptions and with the train strikes this year, it has not been easy.


Please note - when you get the late arrival SMS, you must acknowledge it in the Parent Lounge.

Traffic Management and Transport Procedures and Expectations

Can I remind you of our procedures again for when you drop your sons off in the morning or pick them up in the afternoon.


To ensure the safety of members of the community and taking into consideration our neighbours, parents and carers are reminded to follow the guidelines below when dropping off and picking up students before and after school:

  • Between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, the ONLY place where students can be picked up and/or dropped off is along the Fraser Street ‘Kiss and Drop’ area.
  • You must line up in Shortland Street along the side of Breen Oval. If you approach Fraser Street travelling east along Shortland Street, you SHOULD NOT TURN RIGHT. Please continue along Shortland Street to Francis Street, go around the roundabout and join the line travelling west towards Shortland Street. I would ask that you support the community by following these directions.
  • Do not ‘double park’ or stand your vehicle in the ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone from 
    8:00 AM – 9:30 AM and 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM.
  • Ensure that the driver does not alight from the vehicle while in the ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone.
  • Ensure that passengers enter and disembark from the vehicle via the KERB side door, preferably the rear door. Items should not be collected from the boot.
  • In the afternoon, if your son is not there you are required to move off, do a lap of the block and join the end of the queue.

In relation to students catching buses from the College:

  • Students should be in possession of a valid OPAL Student Pass, ensuring that they are ‘tapping’ on and off when travelling.
  • Students should not be catching the public bus (407 Burwood to Strathfield) prior to 4:00 PM. 

I often write about these reminders in the Especean due to the fact that there are parents/carers in the community that continue to ignore these directions, even as recently as this week with parents/carers overtaking other cars at ‘Kiss and Drop’ and placing themselves above the needs of the greater community, including our neighbours and the safety of students.


Adrian Byrne

Deputy Principal