Careers Update

Year 9 – Morrisby Career Profiling Tool

On Friday 14th of October, Year 9 students successfully took part in the “My Career Insights – MORRISBY” event. During this time, students:

  • Created an online Morrisby account
  • Completed a series of online Morrisby Profile quizzes and questionaries.

As a follow up, students who competed their Morrisby profile will receive a 1:1 appointment with a certified Morrisby Counsellor. During this time, the counsellor will help the student unpack their results, identify possible carer options and explore the functionalities of their online profile. Students will attend their scheduled appointment during the regular school day. Students are encouraged to share with you what is discussed during this time.



The above-mentioned tools and services have been designed to help students explore potential career pathways and assist them to make better choices regarding subject selection, vocational education and training, and further study. 


Please contact a member of the EMC Careers Department if you have any questions.