Lack of procedure encourages chaos....
Lack of procedure encourages chaos....
Please note the following procedures ensure the
safety of all students at Sacred Heart
(Some of the following items have been listed in the "Intro and Quick Links" page)
When a student is absent or there is a planned absence (holidays etc), parents are asked to notify the school as soon as possible with an explanation via phone or email to the office and teacher or via the Absences Tab on the Skoolbag App. This is a legal requirement as well as good manners. See Attendance Policy for further information. Children who arrive at school late (after 9am) must complete a late pass at the School Office via the iPad PASSTAB system which automatically notifies the class teacher, otherwise if the roll has already been marked by the teacher, the late child may have been marked as absent for the day, which will automatically be reflected in school reports if not rectified. Parents who take their children out of school before 3:30pm to attend an appointment, etc. must also complete an early leave pass at the School Office via the PASSTAB system.
After School Supervision/Collection
Allergies and Asthma (also see Medical Information)
It is a requirement, that if your child suffers from allergies or asthma, you need to provide a Medical Plan to the school either at enrolment or as soon as diagnosed, particularly where there is risk of anaphylaxis. These plans are required to be updated and submitted annually at the beginning of each new school year.
Several students are allergic to nuts. We therefore ask parents not to include nuts or nut-based products in school lunches because even being in proximity of such products can result in an allergic (anaphylactic) reaction.
We aim to minimise the risks associated with allergies
Please note that peanut butter sandwiches and other products containing nuts are NOT to be brought to school for the safety of students with allergies.
Allergy Aware School
Sacred Heart adopts ‘No Food Sharing’ practices to reduce the risk of student exposure to known allergens. Students, parents, guardians and carers will be educated about food allergies so they understand why students should only eat their own food and why they should not share or offer food to students with food allergies. We do not recommend ‘banning’ foods, but rather implement an ’allergy aware’ approach focussed on a range of appropriate risk minimisation strategies.
Anaphylaxis Plans
It is a requirement, that if your child is anaphylactic, an Anaphylaxis Plan must be submitted at enrolment or upon diagnosis and is required to be updated and submitted annually at the beginning of each new school year. We are part of the EpiClub sytem and any EpiPen supplied will be entered into this database to ensure they are up to date.
Student Medications
It is MACS and school preference for medication to be administered out of school hours. If this is unavoidable, student medications are required to be clearly labelled with the student’s name, prescription details (if applicable) and stored in the First Aid Room. No medications should be sent with children to be kept in their school bag. Any medication must be sent with a school medication form located in Audiri under 'Resources' then 'Groups', then the 'Medical Information' tab. We do not supply panadol or any other medication. For established medical conditions, a medical plan must be completed by the treating doctor.
Before School Teacher Supervision
Supervision commences at 8:30am. Therefore, students should not arrive before this time unless they are enrolled in one of our extra-curricular clubs. No responsibility can be accepted for other students in the school before 8:30am.
Before and After School Care - The Village OSHC
The Village offer this service at our school and it is based onsite.
In 2024 the service will run as follows:
High standards of behaviour are expected of students. Parents are informed when the behaviour of a student is of consistent concern. The school has a Behaviour Management Policy that is available on the Key Policies tab for your perusal. This policy is under constant review as we strive to improve our procedures. A Behaviour Management Response Outline and ICT User Agreement (including Cyber Safety) are shared with parents annually as a reminder of the shared role we have as educators of our children.
Class Sizes and Composition
Classes will be kept as close as possible to 26. Sacred Heart student class structures consist of single stream of each year level from Prep to Year 6.
Students will be placed in the class considered most suitable to their personal, intellectual, emotional and social well-being. The Principal, in consultation with the teaching staff, will decide on class composition.
Communication with Teachers
Parents are welcome to consult with teachers regarding their child’s progress. However, such interviews must be arranged at a time outside teaching hours. We would also appreciate hearing from you about any events in your child’s life which may impact upon their learning.
Communication and Administration Platforms used at Sacred Heart
Currently we have a few platforms we use for communication, student information and permissions. The reason we have a few, is that no one platform offers all features that we need. Hopefully in the future, we will be able to streamline these processes. Here is a run-down of the platforms and the functions they perform:
Is the main database that all MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) schools use. Parents have no direct interaction with this database yet, but hopefully in the near future will. It is important for parents to notify the school when any student information changes (Medical, contact, address etc)
This is a platform used for the school to gain permission from parents for students to attend excursions, camps and other events. We use it for surveys and questionaires from time to time also.
This platform is used for communication from the school and parents can send absentee notifications. This is an app based platform and can be downloaded from App Store or Google Play. Follow these setup instructions:
To advise an absence, go to the 'Forms' tab, then click on 'Absentee Form'. You will see an absence form that you can submit when your child is going to be absent or late. It emails directly to the office who will then advise your child's teacher. You can also email class teacher directly, but please also cc just in case the teacher is absent.
This website is used by parents to access student reports and make Parent Teacher bookings twice a year. It is also being developed to act as a central notice, permission, medical and first aid platform. You can log in with your email that is registered with the school.
This platform is web and app based. We use this for Parent Teacher interview bookings. We have an informal chat at the start of the year and then a formal Parent Teacher interview mid year. This system is used at both of these times. Information will be sent out prior to these meetings. Access to this site is open the week prior to the meetings and can be accessed here.
This website can be used to pay P&F items such as Uniforms and to book P&F events.!/login
CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding)
The government currently offers additional funding for children to attend camps, sport activities and excursions to families who qualify. The funding is directed to schools and deducted from fees charged for these activities. More information regarding eligibility here:
Computer and manual filing systems listing parents’ names, addresses and phone numbers are maintained at school. As this is frequently the only means of obtaining assistance for children in the event of sudden illness or injury, parents are asked to notify the school of any changes of address, telephone numbers, place of employment, doctor or emergency contact numbers, as well as updating Operoo profiles.
In cases of emergency, attempts are always made to contact parents but where this is not possible, medical assistance will be obtained. All costs for such assistance are the responsibility of the parent/guardian of the child concerned.
End of Term
The last day of each school term is a half day with school concluding at 1:00pm.
Excludable Health Conditions
There are a number of health conditions that require the exclusion of students for periods of time. This is the Victorian Government current directive:
Students will not be permitted to attend an excursion/activity outside the school without the class teacher having permission for each particular activity, authorised by a parent/guardian. Permission is granted utilising Operoo eForms.
Fee Information
Information will be sent out shortly to all families via an Operoo eForm containing all fee information and agreement for 2024. Please ensure you respond to this eForm, so that we know how you will be paying your fees this year. There is also other important information relating to concessions and fee relief. Please check Operoo if you need further information - this eForm will remain active all year so that you can refer to if needed.
If families face any difficulty with fee payments we encourage early and open discussion with Simon Collis. We can always work together to make a suitable arrangement.
You can pay your fees either in person at the office (EFTPOS), via phone with credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD) or you can direct deposit into our account:
Sacred Heart Sandringham General Account
BSB 083-347 ACC 646750863
Use your family name and eldest child's class for reference
Information sent out via Operoo eForm "School Fees 2024":
(Use this form if you want us to set up a monthly direct debit from your bank account - alternatively you can set up your own deduction via your bank)
(use this form to submit a manual credit card payment - alternatively you can phone through a payment)
Head Lice
Parents are asked to check their child’s hair regularly for head lice. According to Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2001, children with head lice may only be re-admitted to school after lice treatment has commenced and there is no visible evidence. All cases must be reported to the School Office. If the school receives notification of cases in a class, reminders to check hair will be sent out by the class teacher or the office.
Healthy Food
At Sacred Heart we encourage a healthy lifestyle in which the children bring to school healthy foods, such as fruit, cheese, yoghurt, sandwiches, etc. Chocolate bars, lollies, chips and other similar packaged foods are discouraged. Drinks in cans are not permitted. At Sacred Heart we are committed to reducing waste. One of the ways we endeavour to do this is through Nude Food; food without excessive packaging. We encourage all families to include Nude Food in their lunchboxes.
Homework is provided as an extension and revision of learning. It is expected of Years 3 – 6 but is usually limited to half an hour. We strongly urge parents to encourage suitable reading at home for students at all year levels. Educational research shows that home reading is vital to the intellectual, social and personal development of students.
Parents of children who become ill during the day will be contacted as soon as possible. No child will be allowed to go home unless contact with parents has been made. When your child is sick, the best place for him/her is at home, as illness and disease spread quickly in the classroom.
For safety, jewellery should be kept to a minimum and limited to essentials. For example stud earrings, small sleepers or a watch.
Lost Property
Lost property can be collected from the Lost Property located in the breezeway off the blue basketball court. At the end of each term, any unlabelled, unclaimed items will be donated either to Sick Bay or for second hand sales.
Medication, Medical Information and Anaphylaxis and / or Asthma Management Plans
At the beginning of each school year, parents with children who are asthmatic or anaphylactic are requested to complete an Individual Student Medical form and enter the details into their Operoo profile. We also require that parents provide the office with Anaphylaxis and/or Asthma Management Plans for their children. These documents are kept on file and referred to if your child requires first aid or emergency treatment.
Teachers are discouraged from dispensing medication for legal reasons. If your child must take medication such as antibiotics etc, a signed, written instruction must be given to the class teacher or to office staff. Children with asthma must have an Asthma Plan and all medication (except reliever inhaler which children can keep with them) is to be given to the class teacher (never stored in children’s bags). Under no circumstances will medication be administered without written permission.
Mobile Phones/Electronic Devices
Students and parents are asked to sign a Mobile Phone & Electronic Devices (of ICT) Agreement at the beginning of the year. The agreement prescribes, in detail, the acceptable use of ICT, including mobile phones and other devices at school. In summary, mobile phones and devices:
Music Program - External company onsite
Currently, the school has a musical instrument program that is run by Musicorp. A music teacher comes to the school and takes groups of students on a rotating roster, meaning they don't miss the same lesson each week. Instruments can be hired through Musicorp. More information can be found here:
Our newsletters are released every fortnight on a Friday. You can register to have this sent to you at
You can always access the latest newsletter here
Parents and Friends Association
We have a very active P&F which is a crucial part of our community. It provides social and fundraising opportunities that contribute to continual improvement in our school. During the year, the P&F will host various fundraising events. All payments must go through the CDFpay website, and not the school bank account. New families have been set up - use 'New 2024' as the class for your child. The P&F also run the Uniform Shop (more details below under Uniform Shop)
The link to CDFpay is!/login
All property must be clearly labelled. Valuables or large sums of money should not be brought to school. In cases where parents find it necessary for children to have these at school, all care will be taken, but no responsibility can be accepted by the school. Valuable items such as mobile phones must be handed to the class teacher.
It is important that children are present for the roll call at the beginning of each morning and afternoon. Those who arrive late must complete a Late Pass on the PASSTAB system at the office before entering the classroom. Attendance roll is recorded electronically and shown in June and December student reports.
All entrances to the school will be locked from 9:00am until 3:25pm, except the main entrance on Fernhill Road. All visitors to the school (including parents) are asked to report to the front Office and sign in/out on the PASSTAB system when arriving and leaving.
Please note that according to Education Department policy regulations, smoking is not permitted in any school building or within 9 metres of school grounds.
Tuck Shop
Tuck Shop will start on Friday 9th February 2024. Our Tuck Shop is open every Friday. We have an external provider, Fun Fresh Foods, who runs this service. Orders can be placed online by 10pm every Thursday and you can also set up recurring orders for the term.
Go to for more information.
During the summer months (Terms 1 and 4), it is important that children wear their school hat whenever they are outdoors. Those without a hat will need to stay in the shade and engage in passive play only. Shoes must be black leather school shoes (lace ups or T-Bars).
Uniform Shop
A very important function of the P&F is our Uniform Shop. It is housed onsite and run by two parent volunteers. This is a HUGE job and we are so grateful for the time and effort that is given to operate this much needed service to our community.
Uniform Shop is usually open every second Friday of term from 8:30-9am. Orders can be placed online at the CDFpay site. Orders will be filled and delivered to your child's classroom usually within a few days. If you have any uniform questions, please email
Wet Days / Hot Days
If weather is inclement during lunch breaks, children will remain indoors, where they will be supervised by a teacher. The children will also remain indoors under the supervision of a teacher in the summer months if the temperature reaches in excess of 38°C.
Whole School Gatherings
Assemblies are held weekly on Friday mornings generally at 9:00am. Classes take turns to share items with the rest of the school. Assemblies are also a time to announce awards and celebrate achievements as well as birthdays. These gatherings are one of several opportunities for Senior School students to develop and strengthen leadership skills.