Principal's Report
Flexible. Resilient. Positive. 2022
Principal's Report
Flexible. Resilient. Positive. 2022
What a positive and busy fortnight we have had at Rangeview. We have had Science Incursions, Division Basketball, Division Softball, Aquarium Excursions, Division Athletics, Regional Athletics, the German Poetry Competition, the Level 6 German Tivoli Excursion, Whole School Photo Day and our first Kinder Transition Sessions for our 2023 Foundation students.
Despite many days of constant rain, our Rangeview students have embraced their learning with enthusiasm.
There will be one Curriculum Day (Pupil Free) in Term 4 which is set for Monday 31st October. This is the day prior to Melbourne Cup Public Holiday.
The OSH Club will be open for any families who require care for this day.
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
While previously a random sample of approximately 30 per cent of parents/caregivers/guardians have been selected to participate, this year, all families were invited to participate in the survey.
This year we had a total of 165 families complete the survey which is a huge increase in response with 2021 seeing only 32 responses.
Foundation 16%
Year 1 18%
Year 2 15%
Year 3 16%
Year 4 12%
Year 5 13%
Year 6 12%
Year 7?? 1%
Survey Results 2021 comparison to 2022
Framework Factor | 2021 % Positive | 2022 % Positive |
Parent Participation and Involvement | 82% | 87% |
School Support | 86% | 88% |
Teacher Communication | 72% | 69% |
General Satisfaction | 84% | 83% |
Physical Environment | 81% | 88% |
School Improvement | 77% | 74% |
School Pride and Confidence | 81% | 87% |
High Expectations for Success | 83% | 86% |
Student Motivation and Support | 73% | 74% |
Stimulating Learning Environment | 77% | 82% |
Effective Teaching | 78% | 76% |
Student Agency and Voice | 80% | 81% |
Confidence and Resiliency Skills | 83% | 88% |
Managing Bullying | 86% | 82% |
Non-Experience of Bullying | 78% | 76% |
Promoting Positive Behaviour | 89% | 89% |
Respect for Diversity | 92% | 92% |
School Connectedness | 95% | 94% |
Positive Transitions | 81% | 86% |
We are very proud of our strong and positive results in almost all areas, particularly in the factors of School Connectedness and Respect for Diversity. Each factor listed above has several questions which together make up the survey result for that factor.
Respect for diversity | 92% |
The school respects and values my family's beliefs and wishes | 90% |
This school communicates the importance of respecting all cultural beliefs and practices | 89% |
This school treats my child with respect | 96% |
School connectedness | 94% |
My child feels accepted by other students at school | 92% |
My child enjoys the learning they do at school | 93% |
This school gives my child opportunities to participate in school activities | 96% |
We will be looking further into some of the survey factors to interpret the results which were less positive and put into place actions or responses to improve these areas. Teacher Communication is one such factor with a focus on how frequently we communicate the student progress to families.
Teacher communication | 69% |
There is effective two-way communication between the teachers and parents/caregivers/guardians at this school | 79% |
Teachers communicate with me often enough about my child's progress | 60% |
A final standout positive result was from the Effective Teaching factor with 92% of families reporting that the Rangeview Teachers are enthusiastic and positive about their teaching.
The Rangeview Masterplan was developed in 2021 through Crossier Scott Architects and has the support of school council and the school community. This plan sees the removal of the main admin building including 6 classrooms, Art Room, General Office and Library space, and the new 3 storey build which incorporates all of these spaces plus additional classrooms and wellbeing space on a much smaller footprint. The advantage of this will be to give much needed playspace back to the students through the creation of a ‘Town Square’ outdoor area at the centre of the school site.
Unfortunately, we were not successful in achieving funding for this Masterplan in 2022 and will need to resubmit this for consideration for funding in 2023.
On 16th June this year the Victorian Government announced that they would be introducing a full week of free 4 year old Kinder for all Victorian children in 2025. This additional learning is to take place in Pre-schools and Kindergartens and is a significant increase in time from the existing model of 15 hours per week. The commitment is 9 billion to expand Kindergarten Programs across the state.
Taking into consideration this new Kindergarten model, there will not be sufficient space in the existing Pre-School / Kindergarten facilities to accommodate this huge influx of Kinder students in 2025.
I am investigating an alteration to our Rangeview Masterplan to include a Rangeview Primary School Kindergarten. This could be an addition to the new building or a stand alone building at the base of the oval banks. I have had initial conversations with Crossier Scott around potential changes to our plan drawings, and with the Department of Education around the need for more Kinder facilities in our area.
I will be seeking survey feedback in coming weeks from the community – staff and families – around the inclusion of a Kinder at Rangeview PS.
The inclusion of a Kinder/Pre-school in out Masterplan will give us the best opportunity for Government Funding in the next budget for the entirety of the Masterplan rebuild and would create a seamless education and transition model for our Rangeview students - from 3 year old Kinder to Level 6.
I am thrilled to announce that the Senior Toilet upgrade has finally been completed and we held a grand opening on Friday afternoon last week. Students at each level had the opportunity to view the toilets and there was much excitement and wonder! Automatic plumbing and functional design has resulted in a facility which is worlds away from our old toilet block. Students have been using the new toilets since Monday of this week. We are encouraging their understanding of the student ownership of this building and therefore the need for them to take care of it.
Marika Ferguson