A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,


Term 1 is nearly over which is hard to believe.  The children have settled well into school routine.


During this term, we had a number of events:


  • Students and Staff attended the Anniversary of National Apology Day at the Queens's Gardens on 13th February.
  • Hello Night was held at School on 16th February.
  • Professional Development Day for Staff on Writing with Andrea Hillbrick on 17th February.
  • Shrove Tuesday - Parents cooked pancakes for the whole school.  Gold coin donation to Caritas.
  • Ash Wednesday Paraliturgy at School - Foundation to Year 2.
  • Year 3-6 attended Ash Wednesday Mass.
  • Opening School Mass - 24th February.
  • Year 3/4 Camp - 1st to 3rd March to Camp Kookaburra, Corop.
  • Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations - 6th and 7th March
  • Naplan - 15th and 17th March - (first time undertaken in Term 1 for Years 3 and 5).
  • School Photo's - Monday 20th March with Dale Wright.
  • National Harmony Day Celebrations - 24th March.
  • Foundation Parent Reading Session will be held today, 30th March between 2.30pm and 3.15pm.
  • Assembly - Palm Sunday re-enactment by Junior Years 1/2.
  • Tuesday  to Thursday - Different Learning and Teaching Units have a planning day at school
  • Wednesday, 5th April - Holy Thursday Assembly at 9am - Middle Years
  • Thursday, 6th April - Senior Years Stations of the Cross
  • Holy Thursday - 6th April  (School finishes at 2.20pm).

This, as well as all the great Learning and Teaching that has been happening at School.


Principal's Appraisal

On Tuesday, 28th March a Panel of Paul Bissinella (CESL Principal's Consultant), Sarah Iddles (CES Nominee - Principal St. Joseph's Cobram) and Paul Arnel (Principal's Nominee) attended our school to interview staff and some parents as part of my formative appraisal.  


Surveys were also undertaken by Staff, School Advisory Council and parents from different year levels. 


I met with the Panel to discuss my self reflection on my leadership.  After the Panel interviews, which took place all day, some Year 6 students took the Panel for a tour around the school.  I then met with the panel to receive my first draft of the report.


This gives me the opportunity to plan some goals as part of my leadership.  I thank staff, parents, who were interviewed and gave their time.


It has been a very affirming process and I'm grateful for the feedback.


Parents and Friends

Thanks to Jacklyn Lamb for organising the Hot Cross Bun Drive.  This was a great success. Thanks to parents who volunteered to help distribute the orders.


Happy Easter

I hope everyone enjoys the time at Easter with their families.


Happy Easter to you all.

May this joyful season of

Easter fill your heart with

renewed hope, love and peace.





Kind regards,


Paula Stevenson 


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