Lego Club

LEGO® Club is an evidence-based program that taps into the natural interest and motivations of children. LEGO® Club enables a child’s natural curiosity and motivation within the LEGO® system of play to build on skills that:
· Improve social communication & interaction
· Form and maintain friendships
· Improve confidence and emotional wellbeing
· Increase a sense of belonging.
· Develop teamwork
· Improve adaptability and coping skills
· Promote collaborative problem solving
· Develop fine motor skills
· Develop memory skills
· Improve concentration
· Develops language concepts
Michelle Black and Beth Seccull, our Lego® Club facilitators, with the support of Angela Robertson (Occupational Therapist) will guide the children through both structured and unstructured play where they help formalise social learning that will help our students to improve their physical, social and emotional wellbeing.
Children across all year levels will have the opportunity to be involved in the Lego® Club throughout the year.