From the Assistant Principal 

Senior School

Ella Price

A successful Term 1

We have spent this week reflecting on our achievements in our year level assemblies.  Year 10 students joined the senior school where they have been in their individualised programs, supporting them to learn new subjects and skills as they start to get to know themselves more as a learner.  They have been using their ALQ, communication, to understand their processes and policies as well as the information that is being offered to them about future pathways.  Through this we have seen them build positive relationships, supporting each other in class and, having open and transparent conversations with their teachers.  All of these are important skills as we bring the semester to a close and start to focus on informed decisions for 2024.


Our Year 11 students started their IB or VCE program in its entirety.  This can be difficult with the same expectations across all six of their subjects.  Their ALQ of critical thinking has been important as they use the information provided in class along with their own opinions and the opinions of their peers.  With the combination of these, students are able to think deeply about the concepts they are learning in class, building their ideas in preparation for assessment and long-term consolidation.


Our Year 12 students have been developing their individual development through their ALQ, character.  They are continuing to connect as a year level, demonstrating inclusiveness and diversity as they support each other in these final few months of school.  At times during this term, they have experienced some barriers as they have navigated the natural ebb and flow.  However, they have faced these challenges with grit and a growth mindset, advocating for what they need so that they can make the most out of their final year.

Looking forward to Term 2

While Term 1 has been very busy with lots of opportunities, Term 2 will be no different!  We enter our final phase of teaching and learning in the Senior School in Term 2.


Alongside their classes our Year 11 & 12 students will visit Monash University and attend the Careers Expo.


Our Year 11 & 12 students will have three interschool sport days, finalising their program for the year.  Our Year 10s head off in Week 5 too.  We encourage all of our students to put their hand up to participate in at least one of these days, offering them the chance to have some fun while working as a team.  These sports days help to strengthen our connections within our year level communities.  

Our Semester 1 classes finish in Week 6 when our mid-year examination period begins on Thursday 1st of June.  These examinations offer a chance for our students to consolidate their learning across the semester period as well as supporting them to practice revision strategies.  They provide an opportunity to reflect on areas of learning that they have strengthened and any areas that they need to focus on to grow in their subjects in Semester 2.


Our Year 12 students will celebrate at their Year 12 Formal, signifying the end of Unit 3 and their achievements so far in 2023.


We begin Semester 2 in Week 8, supporting both our students and teachers to begin the teaching and learning period prior to the Term 2 holidays.  This is particularly important for our Year 10 students so that they are exposed to new subjects before their course counselling period begins.  We are excited to be taking our Year 10 students to Swinburne University of Technology on Friday 9th of June for an immersive experience where they will participate in programs aligned to their areas of interest (including STEM, Commerce, Law, and Engineering).


Wishing all of our senior school families a safe and restful break over the next two weeks.  It is important to use this time to connect and recharge.  I look forward to hearing about everyone’s holidays when they return next term.