From the Assistant Principal

Junior School

Kristie Satilmis

End of term assemblies

Student Leaders have done a wonderful job conducting our end of term assemblies this past week.  They confidently presented a week-by-week overview of the many different activities and achievements that have occurred already this year, from swimming sports to International Women’s Day, to Peer Support and Kangourou des maths.  Our school value of Diversity has certainly been reflected in the wide range of extra-curricular events offered to students in Term 1, and it has been great to see the popularity and uptake of these opportunities as students get involved in their year level communities and the broader life of our school.  I wish everyone a very well earned Autumn break and am looking forward to another busy and energising Term 2 ahead.


One of the highlights of the assemblies has been introducing our 2024 NASA STEM trip.  For the first time since 2019, we are excited to be resuming this fabulous international learning experience for our students.  The trip will take place during the September 2024 school holidays and is open to students in Years 8-11 in 2024.  Travelling to the USA, every day is filled with STEM-based experiences and activities.  Trip highlights include three days at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and Knott’s Berry Farm.  There are 30 places available, supervised by four AHS staff and a full-time guide from Global Learning Expeditions.  There will be an information session held at school on the first Thursday of Term 1 and we’ve already had more than 70 expressions of interest.  Students will be selected via a fair process based on exemplary Learning Behaviour Reports and consistent demonstration of our school DARE values.  Year 10/11 students will be prioritised this time due to the anticipated high number of applications. 


We intend to offer this trip every second year, so those who might miss out this time will have another chance to join the trip in 2026.  Please refer to the flyer further in this newsletter to find out more and to register.

Relay for Life

Relay for Life 2023 took place last weekend on the lower oval at Auburn High School.  It really was a wonderful community event with students, parents and staff joining in on the day, walking for an hour or two as we raised funds for cancer research and to pay tribute to our beloved Principal, Maria Karvouni.  Year 12 student Patrick B walked for an incredible 45kms!  A number of other schools and community groups took part, a demonstration of the philanthropy and unity of the broader Boroondara community.  Auburn South Primary School staff also joined our team as a gesture of their support.  Huge thanks to School Captain and student team captain Amelie B for all her efforts and energy.  Amelie had the honour of reading the Oath as part of the opening ceremony, which was really very special.  Thank you also to staff team captain, Ella Price, for her support, Pauline Delhostal and Ross Pritchard for their assistance behind the scenes and to all staff who attended on the day, as well as everyone who baked and bought items at our bake sale back at school!  It really was a team effort and one I was proud to be a part of.  I know Maria would have been delighted with the way our community worked together to support this worthy cause.  Our school has already raised more than $15K thanks to the generous support of our incredible school community.


Donations can still be made here: