From the Acting Principal

Ross Pritchard

End of Term Summary

As the term concludes, I would like to convey my thanks to all families for the role they have played in a very successful term.  Our students and staff returned in late January well rested, with many of them returning from travel and summer adventures for the first time in a couple of years.  The full Auburn program is back with every day offering a variety of options for the students to experience new things, meet new people and develop academically, socially, and personally. 


Camps are running, sporting teams are on the courts and fields, guest speakers are on campus, instrumental music programs have expanded, Puffs cast and crew are rehearsing, our debaters have experienced success and clubs and activities are well and truly in action.


I would like to thank our dedicated teaching and education support staff for their work and commitment in providing an excellent education for our students.  Our Leading Teachers and Principal team have led a productive and aspirational program and I thank them for their time and leadership. Professional learning for teachers has focused on a variety of things as part of our learning communities.  For example, literacy, numeracy, writing strategies, assessment responses and tracking student outcomes.  Our teachers continue to embed the practice of ‘snapshot’ tasks and formative assessment to make students accountable and to provide valuable feedback.  Parents can check these updates at any time on Compass.  Student surveys have revealed that students rate our teachers’ expertise highly and are respectful of the boundaries and classroom behaviours expected.  This provides a positive classroom environment in which teachers and students can collaborate, apply knowledge and be curious about what is next.  Students also have indicated that classroom activities can involve more real-life scenarios, applied learning, choice, and group work.  A fantastic ‘Teach the Teacher’ session last week resulted in teachers having a greater understanding of the specifics of these things.  Student voice and agency is crucial to student engagement and the provision of twenty-first century learning.


During the ten-week term, our students have generally coped very well with the opportunities provided to them.  Our classrooms are calm places, our students respect each other and the continued focus on community reinforces the benefits of each of us staying true to our school values.  Our newly appointed Tutor Group leaders have been a revelation, with their enthusiasm creating positive interactions with their classmates. When representing our school, the Auburn students have displayed impeccable behaviour, and remarkable talents.  At House events, interschool sport, debating, City Project or travelling to and from school, compliments are often made by staff, community members and staff of other schools about Auburn students being very impressive.  Congratulations and thank you.


As we look ahead to next term, I am excited to see students and staff continue to flourish as programs go to the next phase.  Parents will be engaged in social and school-based activities.  I am confident that our collective efforts will be rewarded with high quality social, academic, and extra-curricular experiences.  Our Year 9 French Binational students enter their final term of learning prior to the Brevet, our Year 11 and 12 students complete Unit 3 of their subjects, and many other deadlines and performances will be met. In the meantime, I wish you all a restful and enjoyable break.  Please take the time to recharge and rejuvenate and spend quality time with family and friends.


Some important reminders:
  1. Early finish this Thursday April 6th – students dismissed at 1.15pm.
  2. The school site will be closed for the entirety of the holidays due to extensive window replacement works.
  3. Winter uniform needs to be ready for Term 2.  Please check the website for details (Our school – Policies – Uniform). Students were reminded of this at their recent assemblies.

Monday April 24th is an eLearning day where students study at home.  Staff will be completing a Professional Development Day. First day on campus is Wednesday April 27th. Students are expected to be completing the work set on Compass, from home.