T1 2023

Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes was an iconic quote by Andy Warhol, world renowned pop artist in the 1960s through to the 1980s. His artwork is the subject of our Visual Arts Curriculum this term. Warhol was one of the main instigators of the Pop Art movement which is known for its vibrant colours, dark outlines, use of popular images and common objects, repetition and subjects injected with humour. Andy Warhol was a painter, printmaker and a photographer. Students at Hackham East are studying the techniques and processes he used in his artworks and incorporating some of these ideas to create their own masterpieces.


Castle Unit


Students have been exploring warm and cool colours through various tasks using Paint Sticks and crayons. They were involved in an online tutorial where they drew bananas and thought about using opposite colours on the colour wheel. We have now moved onto the art of printmaking. To mark the beginning of Autumn, students used ink stamps and paint to make leaf prints. Children will also try printing with bubble wrap, foil, lids, cardboard rolls and even Lego! 


Holly Unit


After investigating complementary colours on the colour wheel, students are currently working on a Donut Pop Art assignment. Using the idea of repetition, they have created 4 donut pictures and have incorporated elements of colour, line and shape to make a Warhol inspired artwork of their own. Students will then move onto watercolour painting using Sharpie pens for outlining as well as printmaking, concentrating on the technique of mono printing. 


Stillwell Unit


Classes in Stillwell Unit  have been learning the key features of Pop Art and how this movement influenced advertising, art and culture. Students have applied this learning by sketching and colouring a chocolate wrapper of their choosing and they have also started to design a soup can in Andy Warhol style. This Friday, they are fortunate enough to be attending the Warhol exhibition at the Art Gallery of South Australia as part of the Adelaide Festival. Later this term, students will be involved in the art of printmaking, specifically learning the technique of relief printing.




Choir started in Week 3 with over 50 students joining our Come and Try sessions for the first two weeks. Last week, students who demonstrated teamwork skills, good manners and active listening were invited to join the HEPS Choir. Choir lessons happen every Thursday from 12:10-1:00pm with both myself and Miss Hay teaching the students the songs for this year’s Southern Metropolitan Music Festival to be held in the first week of November. Solo and Choreography club will start Tuesday lunchtimes in Week 6. We look forward to another successful year of singing!


R/1 portfolios drawing fruit and vegetables in warm and cool colours using Paint Sticks
R/1 portfolios drawing fruit and vegetables in warm and cool colours using Paint Sticks
Leaf painting - Mr Grieve’s class
Leaf painting - Mr Grieve’s class