Principal's Report

Term 1
As we enter the second half of term 1 it is pleasing to see that the building works at the Bundoora Campus have recommenced. Today there is a large crane and several earthmovers on-site and many workers are productively moving across the construction area.
As usual however, the construction works have exacerbated the issues with car parking. I advise against driving into the back car park. There are rarely any car parks available and if there isn’t you need to reverse back out of the car park.
We strongly recommend that parents and carers, whose children are not on the school bus, take advantage of the drop off and pick up options that are available.
To drop off before school, drive into the front driveway between 8.30-8.40am. Staff will meet your child and supervise them until playtime supervision commences at 8.45am.
To pick up after school, drive into the front driveway between 3.10-3.20pm. Staff will escort your child to your car when it progresses to the front gate.
Please do not park in the disabled car park unless you have permission and do not park in the hatched area at any time.
Concord School Council 2023
School Councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. A school council develops a vision for the school in collaboration with all members of the school community and is actively involved in the achievement of the targets within the school’s annual plan.
During the recent process to establish the Concord School Council for 2023, the number of nominations in the Parent and Staff categories equalled the number of positions available, so an election was not required.
We still require three Community Members for our School Council. Community members are co-opted, or invited onto council, usually at the first meeting of the newly elected council and can be current parents. Community members cannot be Department employees and typically bring special skills, interests or experience to the council. If you have experience in the building industry then your contribution would be particularly beneficial. Please contact me if you would be interested in joining our School Council.
Please find below the membership of the 2023 School Council. A special welcome is extended to Mohsin Malik who is joining School Council.
Concord School Council Composition 7 parents, 3 community members, 5 staff members
| |
PARENT | Alexandra Devine Peter Joint Kylie Lewin Mohsin Malik Rachael MacMillan John Qiu Alex Teligioridis
COMMUNITY | 3 positions - to be finalised
STAFF | Jason Coningsby Kath Moore Karlie Gooding Bronwyn Hart Jess Fitzsimons
Punctuality at the Beginning of the School Day
Every day your child is away from school/late impacts on the level of success that will be achieved throughout their time in school. We understand that sickness or important health appointments are a part of everyday life and cannot be avoided.
We also know that getting students to school every day and on time will enable us to get the best out of your child (academic, social and emotional growth) which is always our priority.
Routines and procedures are critically important in establishing a strong learning environment within each classroom.
For this reason it is extremely important that students are at school, ready to begin their day, prior to the bell going at 9.00am. It is expected that learning begins from the moment the bell rings.
Wearing of School Uniform
This is a reminder that it is compulsory for all students to wear the full school uniform each day and that the school uniform policy is strictly enforced. As the weather is becoming cooler, please check to ensure that you have the correct uniform to keep your child warm.
Please contact Melanie Jackson in the office at the Bundoora Campus regarding purchases of uniform. Further information, including policies and price lists, can be found through the school website at School Uniform - Concord School
Principal Award - Franky Burgess
Franky is a calm, positive and happy student. He has a strong work ethic and always completes learning tasks with a smile.
Franky is persistent and gives his best in all elements of school life. He has become a huge fan of our famous Gaga court, which he thoroughly enjoys playing with his peers.
Franky always greets staff and students and interacts in a kind and caring way.
Franky also has a great sense of humour, and loves making his peers laugh.
Congratulations on a wonderful first term at Concord School. Way to go Franky!
Jason Coningsby