Student Wellbeing


Thanks to all involved with our STAR Day celebration day last week, it was a huge success. The day was filled with activities and challenges to do with emotional regulation. Our Wellbeing data suggests this area is one of our biggest areas of need, so we will continue to focus on skilling up and empowering our students in this area. We had some buddy time with a STEM challenge, a STAR treasure and scavenger hunt around the school. We also focussed on the significance of Harmony Week and diversity understanding. A big thanks to Lauren Cefai and the P+F team for their support and help with the day's activities. Check out some pictures below.

Raising Kids in a Digital World 


A friendly reminder of our Parent Webinar on Digital Wellbeing and Safety is THIS Thursday.


Topic: Raising Kids in a Digital World 2023

Presenters: Marty McGauran and Carley McGauran

Date: Thursday 23 March 

Time: 7.30pm (90min). Here is the link for you to register for the webinar :


If you can't join us live, PLEASE STILL REGISTER, so you get access to the recording, so you can watch later. Highly recommend for parents from Prep to 6.

Current Behaviour Goal

Our current goal is to STAY SAFE in the playground

Gotcha Winners

Well done to this week's positive behaviour GOTCHA raffle winners, they have received a GOTCHA token for showing positive behaviour and displayed STAR values and were picked out of our raffle as winners!.

Holy Spirit House Cup

We have had another school challenge 'LIMBO' which was taken out again by the BLUE house who sit nicely up on top. Green House are catching them closely with a heap of Dojo points for Green in the 3/4 level. Keep it up guys not long to go!