Education in Faith

At Holy Spirit, we respectfully acknowledge the Wurundjeri people and their Elders past and present, who are the Traditional Custodians of the land on which Holy Spirit Community School is located. 


Our Holy Spirit Blessing

Come Holy Spirit.

Make within our hearts your home.

Show us how to live.

Help us out in all we do.

Be our guide.

 Teach us goodness, kindness and love.

Spirit of God, be with us in our school.

Teach us to love,

To laugh and pray.

 Comfort us, strengthen us.

Help us to be good.

So that all things will happen

Just as they should.


Andrew Chinn visit

On Tuesday 28th March, Australian religious songwriter and singer, Andrew Chinn, will be visiting our school to share his songs with our students. Andrew’s songs, such as “These Hands”, “Rainbow”, “An African Blessing” and “Rise Up!” are used in classrooms and liturgies around Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada.


Our students will be engaging in workshops with Andrew during the day and will be invited to share their learning in a concert that evening.


The concert will take place in our Church Hall, at 6pm. We would love as many families as possible to attend and celebrate our students' learning from the day.

If your family is able to attend, please indicate via Dojo. 

(Please note that all students who attend the evening concert must be accompanied by a family member/guardian.)


9:15am - Prep - Year 2 concert

10:05am - Year 3/4 concert

11:45am - Year 5/6 concert

12:30pm - Choir workshop

2:10pm - Whole School Concert

Is Your Easter Egg Slavery Free?

As Easter is fast approaching, ACRATH is calling for everyone to consider the ethical dimensions of their purchases; we ask you to make sure your Easter chocolate is slavery-free. 


Caritas and Acrath are working together to raise awareness when purchasing Easter Eggs. 


In 2015, Pope Francis said

“Every person ought to have the awareness that purchasing is always a moral – and not simply an economic – act”


Thousands of children in West Africa pick cocoa beans that are used in chocolate production. Most of the children don’t know what the cocoa beans are used for, and many will never taste chocolate.


When purchasing eggs this Easter, look for the following symbols to help help fight slave labour.


Have a wonderful fortnight,

Kayla Flindt-Petersen


Parish fortnightly:  Next Wednesday 29th March, there will be a Year 5/6 level mass in the Church at 9.15 am.  Parents, friends and parishioners are most welcome to join the children in their special celebration of the Eucharist.


This weekend we have the Commitment masses for our Confirmation candidates at all masses.  All candidates are required to attend one of the masses to state their commitment to the program.  Masses are held Saturday at 6pm and Sunday 9am in the Church or Sunday evening at 5pm in the Chapel.  Please keep these children in your thoughts and prayers as they embark on this very important step in their Catholic journey.


Our High Spirits leader, Elma, is looking for volunteers to assist with religious education of children who attend non-Catholic schools.  The students range in year levels from Year 3 to Year 7.  Classes are held on Sunday afternoons during school terms, 4-5 pm then followed by mass in the Chapel.  You will need to have a current working with children check and sign a safeguarding code of conduct.  If you, or anyone else you might know, are interested, please contact the Parish Office and we will forward your details.


The weekend of 1st-2nd April, we celebrate Palm Sunday.  There will be blessing of palms on the lawn area at the top courts with a procession into the Church.  All are encouraged to attend this very important mass for the start of Holy Week.

Volunteers are still needed for our Easter Services.  There are sign up sheets in the Church or you may contact the Parish Office.  Please consider helping to make our Easter services truly moving and meaningful celebrations.  There is a large signboard at the front of our property with the various mass times.


Holy Spirit is a child safe parish.  We hold the care, safety and well being of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our Parish.

Spirit Magazine

The March 2023 Spirit Magazine is now being prepared. We would love any contributions you would like to share: photos from a community activity, back to school or first day stories or photos, achievements of our students and Alumni, articles you think worth sharing or a favourite digital resource. 

Please email your inputs to by 24th March. 

Thank you very much, 
