
Praising our kids….


We all know praising children is essential, but it’s not always easy to think of fresh and new ways to do it or find other words for praise. 


Always try to use a warm, nurturing tone, make eye contact and when it's possible, get down to their level, face to face.


If you can, be specific. Say, "I love the way you ……unpacked each item from your school bag, carried all those items over to the kitchen bench etc…..regardless of whether the task was completed fully.


Give a smile or a thumbs-up, or use words of affirmation.  Describe the positive behaviour you saw.  Make your comments brief and specific, telling your child exactly what he or she did that was praiseworthy.


It is essential to focus on the process rather than the result.


Praising your child’s efforts leads to greater engagement in learning where children view challenges and making mistakes as opportunities to learn and develop strategies for success.  It also boosts a child’s self-esteem and enhances their perseverance.

Here are a few of Mrs Pepper’s favourites….. you are welcome to use these….


*Don’t give up

*I am proud of you

*Keep believing 

*I can see you working hard at that

*That impressed me

*Way to go

*Thank you for helping

*Brilliant job today

*Never give up

*Great effort

*Well played

*You can make a difference

*I loved that

