Mr Chris Kan


The Church has been preparing us for Lent the past few weeks with readings from Genesis describing our creation and gospel passages that encourage us to be salt and light for the world. God’s great love has created us and God has expectations about living well.


Lent is a powerful time for us to strengthen our relationship with God, self, and others.  Lent is an invitation to focus on prayer, fasting, being salt and light for others, and examining any places where we may have fallen away from God. It’s an opportunity for new life and, in the words of today’s psalm, we pray: "A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me."


Next week, many of our students will be involved in retreat and reflection activities.

This is a vital part of a Catholic education, as it gives our students (and staff) some opportunity to take time out from our busy 21st Century lives, take stock of how we are travelling and ask for God's help as we move forward. 


Year 7s, 11s and 12s will all be gathering for retreat and reflection at different times and I take this opportunity to thank the staff involved for the many hours of preparation needed to make these events successful.









Mr Chris Kan

Dean of Campus Ministry