Somers Camp

Hi everybody, I would like to share some information about what we did at Somers Camp last week.  Firstly, I would like to start off by thanking Ms. Chisholm and Mr. Moore for taking time away from their families to make Somers Camp such an incredible experience.  


Somers Camp is a 9-day experience away from home and although you may think you will miss your family it is a great experience and the staff will always keep you busy...there are so many fun things to do; like the giant swing, flying fox, rock climbing and so much more.  My personal favorite was the giant swing.  


There were 20 people from all different areas in each hut and in each group so you get the opportunity of meeting new people.  The funny thing was at the start of the camp most of us were crying because we wanted to go home but in the end we were all crying because we made such a big bond that we didn't want to go home.  


If any of you get the opportunity to go to Somers Camp, please take it because it is the experience of a life time and you will never forget it.


From Lenka.