Bucket Filler Award

Bucket Filler Award

The idea behind the Bucket Filler theory is that each interaction with another person is a chance to build wellbeing.  

When a person's bucket is overflowing, they feel positive and energised.    We congratulate the following students who used their power to fill other people's buckets through thoughtful and supportive interactions.   The beauty is that when a person fills a bucket, they build their own positive emotions too.  Anyone is welcome to nominate Bucket Fillers by completing a nomination form from the office, a teacher or Ms Jacobs.


Week 5 Bucket Filler Awards:-

  • Eden, 5/6B for being so helpful and caring with the foundation students out in the yard.
  • Zoe, 5/6A because she cheers me up when I'm feeling blue or mad.
  • Audrey, 00A because she always says hello to me.
  • Edward, 1/2 because he always makes me laugh.
  • Rebecca, 5/6A because she gives me hugs when I see her.

Week 6 Bucket Filler Awards:-

  • Mrs. Arundel for running Dance Club.  The preps love it and I love seeing them smile.
  • Lily, 3/4B for making Anastasia feel like she is part of this school.
  • Kieren, 3/4B for his kindness and for filling my bucket.
  • Elise, 00A for being an amazing buddy and she loves when I give her a hug.
  • Penny, 5/6A for being my buddy and always playing with me.
  • Hannah, 00A for giving me a toy cat and for being kind to me.
  • Aimee, 3/4C for being very caring to Anastasia when she lost her key.
  • Ava, 5/6A for being my buddy and for helping me.
  • Aso, 1/2A for giving Mabel a cushion in case she missed out.
  • Rebecca 5/6A for being my buddy and playing hide and seek with me.
  • Jared, 3/4A for showing great compassion towards Anastasia when she was upset.
  • Fleur, 3/4A because she went to sit with a classmate who was feeling alone.
  • Xanthe, 5/6B she is such a bright spirit and her smile lights up a classroom.  She's such a good friend.