Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:

Friday  10th March

Sahand V (Foundation) - For settling into our school routines well and making a great start to Foundation. Well done on always trying your best Sahand.

Riley Mc (12A) -  For her great effort during our maths lessons this week. You have used a number of great strategies to help and support your work. Great job. keep it up!!

Elliot F (12B) - for challenging yourself to reach your potential. You really show the potential and capability to go further and reach higher.

Annabelle V (34A) - For the respect she always demonstrates towards  her peers and teachers and the positive attitude she has towards every aspect of her life! 

Liam E (34B) -  for the effort he is putting into his work. Liam is completing work to his Personal Best and showing us what he is capable of when he isn't thinking about his video games. Well Done!

Kan L (34C) - For returning to school with a positive attitude and wonderful work ethic. Keep putting 100% into all of your tasks. Well done, Kan!

To all who attended Sommers School Camp (56A) - for demonstating outstanding resilance and for their individual contributions to the Somers Camp community. The program is designed to challange and each and every one of you rose to that challage. Congratulations on a fantastic camp!

Kaiden A (56B) - for working well and trying his best on his work!


Friday  17th March

Marissa M(Foundation) - For trying your best in our lessons on counting in Maths. Well done on working with your group to play number bingo.

Nathanael  (12A) -  For alsways being a helpful student and has amazing manners. You always have a smile on your face and give your best in every activity. Well Done. Proud of You ! 

Emeron P (12B) - for always being there to help others and showing your kindness. 

Camden E (34A) - For the kindness, empathy and care he continually demonstrates! You are such an awesome friend to everyone in the grade and we are lucky to have you in our class!

Lily F (34B) -  being such a pleasure to teach. Lily puts her best effort into everything she does. I especially love it when she is prepared to share her work with the class. Her narrative about Incy Wincy Spider was very cute. 

Thomas W (34C) - For showing great Attentive Listening and following instructions. I'm really proud of the effort you are putting into your learning and how well you have been taking on feedback. Well done, Thomas!

Ava J (56A) - For always trying her best on all activities and offering her opinions in class!!

Eden T (56B) - For consitantly being a kind and supportive mebmer of the MPS community. Eden is always the first to volunteer for challanging tasks and regualy goes out of her way to help others. Well done Eden, your efforts help set a positive example for others to follow.