
2023 Friend-o-Leaders

Congratulations to our Grade 6 Friend-o-Leaders for 2023:

Amber, Amelia, Ben, Christina, Jade, Lenka, Lilly, Matilda, Mia, Reina and Remy.


You'll notice them wearing their ninja badges out in the yard. There are posters around the school with photos of our Friend-o-Leaders. They have been trained in a peer mentorship model, where older students help support younger students in their friendships at recess and lunchtime.

Friendship Carnival at Eastland

For those families who were able to attend the Language of Friendship Workshop and Carnival last week at Eastland, I hope you enjoyed the event. The majority of our Friend-o-Leaders were on Somers Camp, so we didn't run a friendship stall, but listening to Dana speak about a 'common language' for friendships hopefully gave some strategies for supporting your child in fostering healthy friendships.


To learn more about URStrong's Friendology program and how you can access their free parent program please click here.

Marlborough's Wellbeing Hub

Remember to bookmark our online Wellbeing Hub page, where you will find a variety of resources to help support the wellbeing of yourself and your family, along with information about the current wellbeing programs on offer at our school.




Jenelle Seregin

HOPE Leader