Principal's Report

Sharon Jacobs - Acting Principal

Another two weeks has gone by in the blink of an eye.  It was such a proud moment at Assembly last Friday to witness Miss Davis present the Junior School Councilors with their leadership badge.  On reflection I am so enamored by this wonderful community and the way people go above and beyond for Marlborough Primary School.  The teaching staff: Mr. Moore and Mrs. Chisholm who attended Somers Camp for 9 days with 18 of our students, Mrs. Mackney for getting the chicken coop ready for the chickens, Miss Davis for giving up her lunchtimes for Choir and JSC, Mrs. Arundel for teaching dance/aerobics during her lunchtime, Mrs. Edwards for planning great activities for Harmony Day, Mrs. Seregin for representing our school at the Friendology Night, our wonderful ES staff who work tirelessly and YOU the parents who give up your time to be so involved making our school the best!


NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year consisting of 4 tests: Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy.   The purpose of NAPLAN is to assess literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum.  It also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether students are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.  All tests are online with the exception of Year 3 Writing.  If you would like more information a brochure is available from the follow website.


The NAPLAN Timetable for Marlborough PS students

Wednesday 15th March : Writing : Year 3 9.15 am (written), Year 5 10.00 am (online)

Thursday 16th March : Reading : Year 3 9.10 am, Year 5 11.40 am

Monday 20th March : Conventions of Language : Year 3 9.10 am, Year 5 11.40 am

Tuesday 21st March : Numeracy : Year 3 9.10 am, Year 5 11.40 am

There will be catch up sessions running on Wednesday 22 March, Thursday 23 March and Monday 27th March for students who are absent.


If you have any concerns around your child/ren sitting the NAPLAN test/s, please see the classroom teacher.


3 Core Values

The search for our 3 core values is getting closer.  Already 116 people have had their say.  Values reflect our sense of right and wrong. They help us grow and develop. They help us create the future we want. The decisions we make every day are a reflection of our values. Our Marlborough Primary School Values should complement our motto: "Strive for Excellence" under the three overarching principles of Learning, Behaviour and Community.   Please click on the link below for your opportunity to vote.  The survey will close on Friday 10th March, 2023.


Resilience Survey

I would like to encourage you to complete a Resilience Survey in order to collect some key data to support the wellbeing and mental health of our parent community. The Resilience Survey is free and takes around 30-minutes to complete online. To start surveying go to:  

School Name: Marlborough Primary School : PARENTS All parents use your 2023 Resilience Survey six-digit Access Code:  Access Code: 045750.



The staff have noticed a concerning amount of rubbish around the school ground despite having bins placed around the playground.  I am asking if you could please remove the wrappers from your child/ren's food before packing it in their lunchbox.  If you could also encourage your child/ren to bring any rubbish home with them in order to keep our school in pristine condition.


Attendance at School

Students are committed to attending school every day, arriving on time and are prepared to learn. Students are encouraged to approach a teacher and seek assistance if there are any issues that are affecting their attendance.  Families are encouraged to communicate openly with the school and provide valid explanations for any absence or any issues affecting their child’s attendance and work in partnership with the school to address any concerns.  It is the school's policy that parents will provide a reasonable explanation for their child’s absence from school and endeavour to schedule family holidays, appointments and other activities outside of school hours. The Attendance Policy can be found on the school's website.


Staff Carpark

It has been noticed that parents are using the staff carpark to drop off and pick up their children. This is a great concern as the movement of cars coming in and out of the carpark whilst children are going to or coming from class rooms is a great safety risk. 

Can we please ask again that parents do not use the staff car park.


Street Parking/Drop Off 

It has been the practice that the car spots directly out the front of the school were used as quick "drop off" zone.  This practice seems quite common sense, safe and a practical way to say farewell and then drive off for busy working parents/carers/guardians.  However, this area has turned into a parking spot.  I am asking if parents/carers/guardians are going to take longer and walk their child/ren into school that you park further down the street.


So many great things are happening at our school.  Marlborough Primary School is certainly the "place to be".


Kind regards

Sharon Jacobs, your Acting Principal.