Principal's Message

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

Dale Carnegie

As we reach the end of a successful school term, we would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support and encouragement throughout the year.


The past term was full of engaging College events, and we were thrilled to see such great participation and support from our students, staff, and families. One of the highlights was our International Women's Day celebration, where we hosted a Carnival of Illumination Trivia Night. It was a resounding success and I thank our Brigidine families for creating an evening of much fun and community spirit.


To our parents and guardians, your active involvement in your daughter's education has been invaluable to their academic success. Your consistent presence at parent-teacher conferences, your involvement in school events, and your regular communication with teachers have helped us create a strong and supportive community for our students.


We have seen our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally due to your dedication and commitment to their education. Your support has played a significant role in creating a positive and inclusive learning environment, where our students can flourish.

We are immensely proud of our students' achievements this term. Their hard work and perseverance have resulted in remarkable progress and success, and we know that their accomplishments would not have been possible without your ongoing support.


Finally, we would like to thank all the parents who attended the Parent-Teacher Conferences. These conferences are an essential part of our educational program, and we appreciate your involvement in your daughters' education. Your partnership with our teachers allows us to identify areas where your daughters are excelling and where they may need additional support.


We look forward to continuing our partnership with you as we move forward into the next term. Together, we can continue to provide our students with the best possible learning opportunities and experiences.


Wishing you all a blessed Easter filled with joy, hope, and new beginnings. May this season remind you of the power of faith, love, and forgiveness, and inspire you to spread kindness and positivity wherever you go. 


Mrs Sharyn Quirk
