Devotion, Prayer Families & Birthdays


The Love of God

When I was in Year 3, I went to a small country school in South Australia. There were some volunteers from the community who held a lunchtime club where we could learn about Jesus. I attended the club and was encouraged to memorise a verse from the Bible, John 3:16: 


‘For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not die but have eternal life.’ I worked hard to memorise the verse, and I remember receiving a sticker as a reward. I was so excited to get that sticker! Could it get any better than this?!


Well, it turns out that things could get even better! While the sticker’s long gone, the verse has remained firmly fixed in my mind, and it holds a powerful truth: God loves us to such an overwhelming degree that he sent Jesus to rescue us and bring us life. 


In this season of Lent, we are encouraged to pause and reflect on this overwhelming love of God: a love so extravagant that he gave everything, bringing us closer to him now and opening up an eternity with him. 


Mrs Rebekah Clark


for the fortnight beginning Monday 12th March: 


Chandler, Chandler, Colotti, Conover, Dashwood-Marshall, De Wet, Dissanayaka, Dominguez, du Toit, Edelman


And staff:


Stephen Chen, Rebekah Clark, Tynan Dhanji, Sharreena Delaforce



Happy Birthday to the following students for the coming fortnight:


Stephene Jacob, Ellyse Lawrence, Evan Conover, Zeke Brown, Nicholas Richards, Izabella Wuol, Jack Peters, Regan Hunter


And staff:


Ellie Kleins