
Mr. John Ryan - Deputy Principal

A new Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College Mobile Device Policy


Developing new policies, procedures and protocols requires an exhaustive journey.  Four weeks ago, the College released information pertaining to our new Mobile Device Policy.  

In this newsletter we are asking parents to peruse the draft document and do the following:

Please ring the College and ask for John Ryan on 56624255 or email jryan@mmcrc.catholic.edu.au to enter further discussion with ideas or suggestions.


The document is still in draft form. Its final release date has not been set until all avenues of consultation have been completed


Where to from here?

 Further consultation is taking place to refine the Mobile Device Policy. The consultation process is progressing through the following checkpoints:


Checkpoint One:  March 15 College Advisory Committee review the draft form of the policy.   Completed

Checkpoint Two:  March 16 College Policy and Planning Committee first review of draft policy. Completed

Checkpoint Three: March 20 College Wellbeing team and Curriculum Team view draft form of the policy. Completed

Checkpoint Four: March 27 College Staff first view draft form of the policy and given one week to make formal responses with College Leadership. Completed

Checkpoint Five: March 28 Student Mission Team views draft form of the policy and discuss with College Leadership Completed

Checkpoint Six: March 30 Student Mission Team second viewing and discuss draft form of policy and with College Leadership Completed

Checkpoint Seven: March 31 Student Mission Team and Years 9-10 Class Captains view draft policy and discuss with College Leadership Completed

Checkpoint Eight: March 31 Mobile Device Policy draft shared with parent body via the College newsletter Completed

Checkpoint Nine: March 31- April: College Leadership consider feedback from staff, students, and parents. In progress


Wellbeing for Learning and Attendance.

Being in class matters. Many students still find it much easier to participate in class with friends and their teachers. In addition to students themselves feeling more comfortable, teachers are better able to supervise students to change the pace of class or help students who need it. Overall, interaction is vital when students and teachers are in the classroom.


Missed learning, occurs when students lose face-to-face teaching time. At Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College,  record for “all out of class” and “leave passes” are entered into the SIMON student management system. Once recorded these passes prove as valuable data for our wellbeing and curriculum staff, to monitor, track and plan for students who have missed face-to-face teaching and learning. 


Attendance data reports are discussed at all levels of leadership at the College. Return to school plans and positive behaviour support plans are devised to give students the best opportunities to feel safe and stay in the classroom. Data is vital for building an understanding of a student’s narrative. Reports indicate to the minute, the missed learning, and the number of classes in which a student accesses passes. See report example below.


Classroom Management 

Another reason for students missing class time or receiving a class pass is because they may have been exited from the classroom.


Students exited from a classroom will have their class pass marked as” Classroom Management”. This is completed by the school leader who picked up the student to transit to a designated safe place in the College.


In the hours following the exit the teacher in charge has responsibilities to complete.

  1. Record the incident on the SIMON platform
  2. Ring parents to inform a reflection session is required
  3. Ensure the student completes reflection session
  4. Resolve incident on the SIMON platform

All absences from class are recorded. Child Safety and the professional requirements placed on teaching staff inform our actions and day-to-day operations.


Parents are an integral part of the success of a student. Please ring the College and for a Wellbeing Leader to help you if your child needs support to maintain face-to-face teaching and learning time.