Malgobila (Year 10, 11 & 12) News

Congratulations from Monash

We would like to congratulate the Year 12 mentees who graduated from the Access Monash Mentoring Program this year. Access Monash were delighted to celebrate the 2019 Year 12 Mentees from Bairnsdale Secondary College who graduated from the Access Monash Mentoring Program. An end of year celebration was held at Cells Cafe on Friday 18 October to commemorate the achievements of each mentee.

Each mentee received individual mentoring from a current Monash University student throughout the year.  Mentors provided invaluable advice and support to their mentees - providing insight into university life, clarifying future goals and supporting mentees with study tips throughout Year 12.

Congratulations to the following students who graduated from the program this year:

  • Connor McKinnon
  • Tom Southen
  • Grace Cosgriff-Camm
  • Tegan Benedetti
  • Annie Rogers
  • Leigh Mitchell
  • Tom Poynton
  • Brianna MacDonald

Thank you to all of the mentors, parents/guardians and teachers who helped support the program throughout the year.

To find out more about Access Monash and their mentoring program visit


Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies

Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies class have recently visited Buchan to take part in some caving, climbing and abseiling. Students enjoyed the challenge and many overcame fears as they learned to trust the equipment and themselves. They are currently preparing for an overnight canoe journey from Nowa Nowa to Lake Tyers which will test their endurance and organisational skills.



Yr 10 Outdoor Education completed a hike from Walkerville North to Bear Gully in South Gippsland. Students explored caves and rockpools along the way, navigating tides and challenging rocky terrain on the first real hot day of the summer season. The following day the group explored the coast, visiting Cape Liptrap Lighthouse and bodysurfing at Waratah Bay. On day three students took part in a surf lesson in less than ideal conditions braving cold winds and rain.


Musings From The Senior Hub Desk

Things are hotting up in the Senior Learning Hub, and we mean more than just the weather.

We survived the Year 12 shenanigans although the school seems to have been invaded with hundreds of little rubber ducks and we can’t help but wonder if there’s a connection.

Just like bad smells, we can’t quite get rid of our Year 12s! Luckily, they are much more pleasant than bad smells and we have been so impressed with the hard work that our Year 12 students are putting in right up to the last exam or the last commitment to tick off a VCAL task.

We’d like to remind everyone that VCE subject teachers are continuing to attend scheduled class times in an effort to assist with review and revision work for VCE student’s right up until their actual exam.

Given that exam times can be stressful, it’s great to see that this anxious time is also accompanied by an atmosphere thick with excitement and camaraderie as students can sense the end of their school days and venture out into the real world.

Last week Year 11 students attended their practice exams in a manner fitting for their pending entry into Year 12.


Hub staff are busy preparing for timetable structure changes in 2020.

This week, 2020 Year 11 and Year 12 students were given a package with their 2020 subject selections, book lists, second hand book exchange and details of the changes to teaching time that come with the structural changes.

Some highlights of the presentation given to students this week in assemblies are illustrated below.

Students wishing to make any alterations to their 2020 subject selections should approach the Hub.

Not all changes will be viable due to class numbers, clashes and blocking combinations.