Secondary 11/12


This semester STC is looking at the environment and how we as citizens can play our part to protect and nurture it.  Two weeks ago we began looking at the issue of littering and how litter can cause so many problems for  wildlife.  Working in teams, the students in STC began an education campaign to try to stop littering.  This involved making a variety of posters and an ad for radio.  As a class, we then went down to the Plenty River in Greensborough and correctly disposed of over 160 litres of rubbish.


Students of SSJ have had a successful term once again with their Coffee service for staff around the school.  It has been a pleasure to watch this unit develop and see all the students’ confidence grow in their abilities in making coffees and the delight of knowing where it has to be delivered.  Students have enjoyed this semester’s doughnut making as their sweet addition to the coffees.  We wish our four  Year 12 students Alex, Sarah, Chrish, Phuc all the best, as they are preparing for their upcoming Graduation this Term. 


Students of SHJ had an amazing opportunity to join classes with SAP to Artvo at the Docklands. Students had a great time working with cameras trying to figure out how to pose for a 3D photo. The 3 graduates of SHJ have been working hard at completing all their assignments and getting ready for their Graduation. We would like to wish Grayson, Jack and Skye all the best for next year.   


In fourth term we completed our city visits to use knowledge of Melbourne, learned earlier in the year including Eureka Skydeck and a scavenger hunt. Most of our class are independent travellers from the city. This is an important skill for our senior students who will be leaving school soon.

Our class also completed an apple fund-raising project this term, where we collected apples from Arthur’s Creek, weighed, bagged and delivered them around the school. It involved Numeracy, Literacy and Personal Development Skills outcomes. Earlier in the year, we participated in a Salvation Army session on homeless teenagers and our class decided to donate the money raised to them. 


SAE and SHJ Primary School Athletics Day this term was a great success with SHJ students running the stations around the sport oval. They worked hard to plan, organise and run the day, with positive feedback and lots of fun. Students had a hamburger lunch on this day, catered by the SAE class. This included many sessions planning, making lists to take to the Watsonia campus, buying the ingredients, making patties, preparing and delivering 250 hamburgers on the day. It was a busy day, but a great way to build on our canteen skills for Work Related Skills.


Students had a hamburger lunch on this day, catered by the SAE class. This included many sessions planning, making lists to take to the Watsonia campus, buying the ingredients, making patties, preparing and delivering 250 hamburgers on the day. It was a busy day, but a great way to build on our canteen skills for Work Related Skills.


Bronwyn Hart,

Team Leader