Upper Primary


During week 3, Upper Primary students held a Presentation Night to showcase what they had been learning about in the Integrated Unit ‘The Farm’. Each class worked on various aspects of different ‘Farms’. The students presented projects based on animals, crops, food and machinery. 

We had a large number of parents and carers come out to see what their child had accomplished. 


Congratulations to all Upper Primary students for their great presentations. 


PJF have enjoyed the various activities we have completed in our Elective program this year. All students have enjoyed socialising with their peers from other classrooms while completing fun and engaging tasks. We can not believe it is the final week of Electives!


The students of PDJ had a fantastic time at Camp Manyung in October. The weather was extremely kind to us and we even enjoyed some time at the beach on the first day. The students paddled in the water, collected shells and even found a starfish.

Camp Manyung provides so many amazing physical pursuits for the students. The giant swing, flying fox and the tree-rolling experience high up amongst the trees were all favourites. The students displayed their tenacity and confidence as they bravely tackled all these activities.

On the second day we made our very own damper, forming it around a thin branch and putting it in the bush fire. Students also showed their prowess at archery, many hitting the bulls-eye. 

By far the most exhilarating experience was at the Enchanted Maze. The students capably navigated the mazes and then enjoyed the ‘tube slide ride’ for most of the afternoon. They absolutely loved it!!!

We all enjoyed a delicious meal at the Mornington Hotel in the evening and made a pit stop at McDonalds on the way home from camp.

All in all, it proved to be a wonderful camp with all the students supporting, encouraging and looking out for each other.  I would like to thank Chris Norman and Jade for all their support and assistance during this exciting and action-packed camp. 


The Upper Primary students have been learning about subtraction this term. They have been listening to subtraction stories and then acting out or drawing the stories. My streaming group have been working with numbers up to 20 and decided to create their own subtraction stories and share them with their friends. We had stories about old ladies swatting flies, monkeys eating bananas and ducks eating plants. It was lot of fun and a good way for the students to understand subtraction is taking away. 


PCO have had a wonderful Term 4. We have had lots of events to look forward to which have included, meeting Harold the Giraffe, Sports Day, Swimming and attending Bundoora Farm. Meeting Harold is always a yearly highlight for Upper Primary, this year we learnt about how to make friends and the importance of being a good friend. Sports Day was so much fun! We all did our best and even though it rained a little it didn’t stop us from completing all the activities.


This term some of PCO have been going swimming and they have enjoyed it so much. They have learnt how to be safe in and around the pool. Bundoora farm was lots of fun, we got to meet and pat some animals, make scones and explore different types of crops. It has been a busy term but one that has been full of exciting activities. 


As part of our Integrated Unit on ‘On the Farm’ Upper Primary students attended Bundoora Farm throughout terms 3 and 4. PKO attended in term 3 and although rain threatened to ruin our day it managed to hold off long enough. The students enjoyed a tractor ride where they came up close to emus and kangaroos. They looked at the process from farm to plate and made scones in small groups which they got to eat before returning to school. A highlight was looking at, patting and feeding the different farm animals including guinea pigs, lambs and goats. The excursion gave students a better understanding of farms.


Chris Norman,

Upper Primary Team Leader