2020 Student Leadership Team

Staughton College strongly supports Student Leadership, in fact Staughton relies on Student Leadership as an integral part of day to day life at the College. At a senior student level, Student Leaders meet daily for tutorial sessions to work on and develop their own, and whole school projects. This tutorial is supervised by the Communication, Public Speaking, and Student Voice staff. Student Voice lies at the heart of Engagement and Ownership of the school community for students and works alongside staff across the College whether it be within the classroom setting or outside to support events, activities or clubs.


Students gain many authentic learning and real-life experiences by being involved in Student Leadership regardless on their individual strengths or interests and we encourage and support students to develop and have opportunities to pursue and follow their own ambitions. We encourage our students to have pride and confidence in representing the College in whatever form this may take.


Please welcome the 2020 Student Leadership Team. We congratulate them on their appointment, and wish them the best of luck in their roles.

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Year 7-9 Leaders will be announced soon