Environmental News

Kadee Gan's Environmental Poster

The most common argument that fuels climate denial and climate change scepticism, is that our everyday, individual consumer actions will not affect the climate crisis. Others have argued that one person’s will to change won’t limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, or that small consumption changes are futile. THIS IS NOT TRUE! What is true is that the carbon emissions produced by the fossil fuels we all use, are increasing due to consumer demand. However, we as individuals can have a role in determining our future and the future of our planet. If we break down the different layers to the climate crisis, small individual consumer changes can contribute to the mitigation of climate change. Whether that be eating less meat, carpooling, reducing plastic, printing less paper, turning off your computer when you’re not using it, what we do matters, try switching up your routine for the better of the Earth and spread awareness to prevent the climate catastrophe from coming true.

The school that keeps on giving

Parents are integral to the success of any school and with that, any change within a school. I spend a lot of my recess and lunch times wandering around the playground checking in with students and reminding them about how they need to deal with waste and in particular plastic waste. I’ve noticed an enormous shift at MGC this year. So many of our students have reusable lunch boxes with them. This is a great sign. We have multiple organics bins and compost cones around the school. Both of these vessels can deal with ALL and ANY food waste. Arguably, at MGC we are keeping the food waste of over 1600 people out of landfill daily. That’s a lot of CO2 equivalent not being released into the atmosphere. An achievement of which to be proud. This could not have happened without the support of parents. We’d like to say thank you for helping MGC bring in and manage this change.

As a way of saying thank you to parents we are giving away 5 packages worth over $100 each. Simply follow the instructions below and you’ll go into the draw.

Rules of entry 

1. Must follow @zerowasteschoolsaustralia 

2. Tag a friend in the comments 

BTW please think twice before buying more Tupperware, lunchboxes, drink bottles and stationery. Tell your daughter to come and check with me as I have plenty of these items.

Good luck!


Paula McIntosh.