STEM Academy


(Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)

STEM subjects and opportunities are available to all our students at Fairhills, through regular classes, KIOSC visits, excursions, visitors and various other ways. From time to time additional invitations are issued to the school for many different and unique experiences.  There are always students keen to take up opportunities.  The STEM Academy keeps a register of students with particular STEM interests.  If you or your child would like to be added to the STEM register please email Mrs Michelle Nickels.


Check out the STEM video clip on the new Careers website :

KIOSC Visits

Student visits to KIOSC have begun with some exciting learning taking place.  "It was interesting to use the equipment and do experimental research in a laboratory-like setting", said Year 12 Psychology student, Owen Parry.


Please be aware that these visits are an integral part of your child's Science curriculum and an assessment item is attached to the visit.  If they do not attend it will negatively impact their learning and reuslts.


Students make their own way to and from KIOSC at the Wantirna Swinburne campus. Notices and verbal reminders are distributed to students, emails are sent to parents and a news item is placed on COMPASS in an effort by Fairhills to let parents know about upcoming visits.

If you have any queries please contact Mrs Michelle Nickels.


Registrations for the UNSW Maths, Science and IT Competitions will be taken soon.  So too will registrations for entry into the Australian Video Game Challenge.  Details are available on the STEM Noticeboard.  If you or your child are interested please contact Mrs Michelle Nickels.

Students studying 'Nanoscience & Nanotechnology' and 'Frontiers of Physics'

We have four Year 10 students who are studying Nanotechnology and Frontiers of Physics through Emerging Sciences Victoria. The students attend a real time on-line classroom run by John Monash Science School and Monash University.  They log in twice a week, along with 50 other students throughout the state, to participate in new emerging subjects, using cutting edge technology.


The Frontiers of Physics course investigates some of the most recent developments in the fields of astrophysics and quantum mechanics, whilst Nanotechnology is a cutting edge, multidisciplinary science which integrates a range of scientific areas including chemistry, physics, biology, engineering and material science.


The students participating are Ethan Jackson, Blake Kidd, Evan Mountain and Thomas Lach.  This is a fantastic opportuntiy that our students really enjoy.  "It's the most interesting Science class I've ever been in!" says Ethan Jackson.  Blake, Evan and Thomas all added that "It is different and weird, but really exciting".


EMSCI will be offering these two subjects as well as a 'Biotechnology and Bioinformatics' and 'Mathematical Logic2Magic' in Semester Two.  If anyone else is interested in participating they should see Mrs Nickels to register.

Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @ KIOSC

Celebrate creativity and STEM at the Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @ KIOSC.  The Maker Faire is a festival held in celebration of 'Making', a global movement bringing life to the curriculum elements of science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM) and the creative arts to create rich learning & teaching experiences.


Participants in maker events engage in complex problem solving, tinkering and inventing using new and old technologies, including Arduinos, Makey Makeys, Wearable Computing and Little Bits.  It promotes the importance of active hands-on learning across all ages.


Mini Maker Faire Education Day @ KIOSC - Friday 18th March:

Students will actively engage in a number of 'Making' workshops led by fellow students, teachers and community members. Students have the opportunity to learn, collaborate and showcase 'making' in an exciting and innovative way.


Melbourne Mini Maker Faire @ KIOSC - Saturday 19th March:

A community event for families, educators, tech enthusiasts, crafters, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs and commercial exhibitors.  Participants will have an opportunity to actively engage with a range of technologies to solve problems, create and share what they have made.


Any students interested in attending on 18th March, should see Mrs Nickels.