Year 7 News

Welcome to Term 2

Once again we have a busy term ahead for our Year 7’s.  This term students will be participating in the NAPLAN.  They have already had a practise of this as this year we will be completing the NAPLAN online.


On Wednesday 8th, the students were lucky enough to hear from a group of Indigenous Australians, the Martu people, as part of Year 7 Humanities.  The students learnt about their life and what they do in the areas they live.  All students really enjoyed this talk and many stayed behind to meet the men and have their photos taken with them.


On Friday 17th, all students will participate in the Junior Cross Country.  Students can decide to run the school cross country course or participate in our team activities to earn points for their house.

On June 6th Year 7 sport is on again.  Please remind your child to sign up on Compass for these sports and keep an eye on the news feed for training and meeting times.


This term we will see the Year 7 students focus on keeping up to date with their class work including making sure that they are completing their performance tasks on time and asking for help from their teachers to make sure they understand what they are doing.  We will be offering support at lunchtimes for students to come in and complete their work in Learning Centre 1.

Next term, we will be going to camp at the Summit.  Next week your child will come home with the camp booklet which will give you all the information you need, including which classes are going to which camp, medical and permission forms and payment details.  Once this comes out, if you have any questions regarding camp, please feel free to call the Year 7 team.


Jo Reeman and the Year 7 Team