Captains Corner

Environment Week at The Briars

Mornington Secondary College leadership students once again stepped up to participate in the annual Environment Week held at The Briars.


This year, nineteen senior Year Level and School Captains enthusiastically volunteered to roll up their sleeves and assist with engaging primary aged students in all things environmentally related – from Woolworth’s fruit stall, to Water Wise activities on water conservation, in the EXPO Paddock, to assisting Bunnings’ experts with education about worm farms and composting -- our students proudly accepted each and every challenge the day presented. Their flexibility and can-do attitudes are to be commended!  Not to mention, the beautiful lunch time sounds echoing across The Briar’s fields by Peter Southam and his music students. The primary school children joined in dancing and singing along to the familiar Michael Jackson tunes.


Students were delighted and humbled to receive the following recognition from Mornington Peninsula Schools’ Environment Week Committee:


"On behalf of the Schools Environment Week Committee, I would like to thank MSC for assisting with Schools Environment Week on Wednesday 27th of March. Your students were great ambassadors for your school and a great help in all their endeavours including assisting the presenters with a variety of programs and activities. Feedback from presenters and schools was very positive with the students showing great rapport with the primary school children.


Thanks also to Michelle Rocca for organizing the teachers and students for the day. Peter Southam has always been a great supporter of E Week bringing the band along every year to entertain the students over lunchtime. The inclusion of the choir this year was really well received by the audience.

Heather Tytler, E Week Organizing Officer"


A worthwhile experience that will benefit our students as well as the community. 

Michelle Rocca

Student Leadership


WOW! What an amazing day!

Our school captains gave it their all at the local Mount Martha Briars. We had an exciting and fun filled day that we shared with primary school students from a number of peninsula schools. We talked to them about the importance of the environment. During the day I was lucky enough to join the Woolworths team, where I was on duty, cutting and serving fruit to the younger students. Surprisingly, lots of kids insisted on trying the lemons and limes, the expression on their faces was priceless! Before embarking on this excursion, I thought back to when I was a primary school student, when I also got to enjoy this day out. I remembered just how much joy I got out of venturing around to all the different stalls. This year I only hoped to create the same for these youngsters. Their happy and bubbly personalities sure showed this!


Jertarme Williams

Year 10 Captain