Library News

The 2021 Premiers' Reading Challenge is underway again and well done to the multitude of students who signed up in the 2021 challenge's first few days - please see Miss Marshall or email me to get your login and password if you are still keen and haven't signed up in the library booklet. Introductory sessions will run on Thursdays and Fridays at recess (see Compass) in the library to get a run through on using your personalized online dashboard, adding and reviewing books! Good luck everyone.
PRC Website for logging in and info:
IMPORTANT ***Book Returns Policy / Lost books...***
Books are on loan for 2 weeks. They can be renewed for further time if they are brought into the library then we can extend the loan for another 2 weeks if no other student has requested the book. Overdues are processed every Monday and the process can be viewed below.
1 Students get emailed if their book is 1 week overdue
2 Students and parents/guardians are emailed if the book is 2 weeks overdue
3 Students are requested to have a meeting with the librarian in school if the book is a month overdue. This can be for the student to A) make a commitment to return the book or B) report that the book is lost so that the library catalogue can be updated, another copy ordered and a bill sent out to parents/guardians.
Donated books
We are pleased and thankful to receive donated Children's / Young Adult books in good condition. Thanks to those who have helped in this manner. Any books that are not needed in the library will be distributed to Rotary for their mega annual sale.
Donated fabric for craft club
Craft Club runs every Friday - we are currently making scrunchies and applique bags. Please send any clean fabric donations to Miss Marshall. I will wash the fabric and see that it's reused in craft activities. Schedule : Term 3 Bag making continues and Term 4 is Jewellery making.
Student I.D. Cards for years 7 - 12 can now be collected before school at the library counter.
The MFG Library is open from 8.15 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Due to COVID restrictions only those students seeing Mrs Wright or attending Clubs should be in the library at lunchtimes thanks.
*Printing and photocopying assistance
*Borrowing and returning of library material
*Readers guidance - let us help you connect to a great read! See the suggestions box for recommendations for us to buy new titles and series. Check out the Red New Books Stand for our recent purchases!
*Research assistance - books / e-resources and bibliographic instruction (how to use SLASA - our online Harvard Referencing generator)
*Guidance in accessing Clickview and our Wheelers e-platform ebooks from home or school via COMPASS
*Clubs - 2 book clubs, Friday craft club, MFG History and Archives Club on Tuesdays in the Archives Room (Merrya), Yoga and the Weird Sisters Creative Writing clubs are also held in the library
*Quiet private study areas and group break out areas in both research and reading areas
*We are also stocked with board cleaning supplies, paper towel, tissues and sanitary towels etc - so speak to us if you need these items.
Miss Marshall and Ms Kimpton
MFG Library Team