Learning and Teaching

All of our Teaching and Education Support Staff participated in a full day of professional learning at GMHBA Stadium with a focus on developing a deeper understanding of our MFG Wellbeing Model by focusing on our own wellbeing. The day was an opportunity for all of our staff to dive deeper into some of the key aspects of our MFG Wellbeing Model - ‘Flourishing and Positive Relationships’, ‘Positive Health’ and ‘Positive Emotions’.
The General Achievement Test (GAT)
All of our Year 11 and Year 12 students studying a VCE Unit 3-4 subject participated in a workshop with Ben Taylor on Tuesday 1st June. Ben, an experienced GAT and VCE assessor, provided our students with a range of strategies and worked samples to develop their understanding of the demands and requirements of Writing Task 1 and 2.
The General Achievement Test is a test of general knowledge and skills in these broad areas:
- written communication
- mathematics, science and technology
- humanities, the arts and social sciences.
All students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3 and 4 sequences must sit the GAT and no special study is required.
Past study of subjects like English, Mathematics, Science and History prepares students for the GAT by building their general knowledge and skills in writing, numeracy and reasoning.
How GAT results are used
All students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3 and 4 sequences must sit the GAT.
GAT results:
- do not count directly towards a student’s VCE results
- help check that school-based and external assessments have been accurately assessed
- contribute to statistical moderation of school-based assessment results
- help calculate Derived Examination Scores
- determine scores in school-based assessment, external assessment and if a derived examination score is required due to illness, accident and trauma.
There is a close correlation between receiving good GAT results and academic achievement. Some GAT questions relate more closely to achievement in particular studies. The VCAA takes this into account when it calculates students’ expected achievements in each study for each school. For example, GAT results in mathematics, science and technology play only a minor part in calculating students’ expected achievements in humanities studies.
- If you’re using Compass to look at student progress, teacher feedback etc, use a laptop/computer and not a phone.
- Prior to coming to MFG for a Parent-Teacher-Student Conference, do some ‘detective work’ using Compass. You could look at:
- ATTENDANCE – do any absences need to be approved by me?
- TASKS – Are they on-time, over-due or pending?
- FEEDBACK – click on the Learning Task and the Feedback Tab.
- Any task in ALL-CAPITALS is a CRLT (Common Reportable Learning Task). These are usually the important assessments. Focusing on how your child performed on these will save you time when looking at their list of Learning Tasks.
- ROUTINE: Develop a routine of using Compass. My son is in Year 8 and I have a quick scan of his Learning Tasks every Thursday so I know what to ask him about.
With slight wording modifications, these questions can work with children of all ages:
- Tell me about a moment today when you felt excited about what you were learning.
- Tell me about a moment in class when you felt confused.
- Think about what you learned and did in school today. What’s something you’d like to know more about? What’s a question you have that came from your learning today?
- Were there any moments today when you felt worried? When you felt scared?
- Were there any times today when you felt disrespected by anyone? Tell me about those moments.
- Were there times today when you felt that one of your classmates demonstrated care for you?
- Were there any moments today when you felt proud of yourself?
- Tell me about a conversation you had with a classmate or friend that you enjoyed.
- What was challenging about your day?
- What do you appreciate about your day?
- What did you learn about yourself today?
- Is there anything that you’d like to talk about that I might be able to help you figure out?
- Is there anything you’re worried about?
- What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
- Is there a question you wish I’d ask you about your day?
- Week 9 - Year level assemblies (P&SS)
Source: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/parents-fifteen-questions-replace-how-was-school-today-elena-aguilar
This process has begun for 2022 – below is a summary of key dates. Updated Curriculum Handbooks for Years 7-12 are available on our MFG website:
Term 2
Term 3
- Week 1 - Expo Week (in class & other sessions)
- Week 2 - Tues 20 July – Year 10 Interviews
- Week 2 - Wed 21& 22 July – 9L Interviews
- Week 2 - Year 9 Morrisby Interviews
- Week 3 - Wed 28 July – VCAL interviews
- Week 3 - Fri 30 July – Year 8 electives due
- Week 3 – Music auditions & Maths testing (Maths Methods)
- Week 4 - Fri 6 Aug – Year 9,10 & 11 selections due
Subject offerings for 2022
- No French in Year 7
- Year 10 – same subject offerings as 2021
- VCE Units 1-2: same as 2021 + Unit 1-2 Environmental Science
- VCE Units 3-4 – Extended Investigation (new)
Subjects not being offered in 2022
- VCE Units 3-4 Geography (no Units 1-2 this year)
- VCE Units 3-4 Theatre Studies (no Units 1-2 this year)
Damien Toussaint, Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching