Principal's News

Dear St Joseph’s Primary School Community,


Wow, how quick does time fly by! 


After this week, we will be halfway through Term 2. It is always a busy time here at school, with many things happening inside and outside of our classrooms.


Farewell, and best wishes:


This Thursday, we will be farewelling Mrs Sullivan as she is beginning her maternity leave. Mrs Sullivan has been teaching at St Joseph’s since 2010. There are exciting times ahead for Tim, Emily’s husband, and Nate, their son, as they welcome their surprise bundle in a few weeks.


Please join me in wishing them all well and praying that they have a safe and happy new baby:


Dear God, may this child come to know and love you from childhood. Cover this child with your love and let your glory be upon him or her in the womb. When the child comes to this world, let us shower him or her with Christ-like love. Father, may this child love you with all his mind, soul and strength. May the soul of this baby follow closely behind you, and may your right hand uphold him or her. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.




Congratulations to Miss Brooke Theobald, as she has been successful in applying for our Inclusion Support Teacher role here at St Joseph’s Wee Waa. Miss Theobald will be working in this role two days a week. This role will have her working with teachers, families and outside agencies to support learners in our school who need disability assistance or adjustments to learning in the classroom. We wish Miss Theobald all of the best in this role at school.




In a few weeks, we will be welcoming Mrs Sarita Malinson to our school community as a new teacher. Mrs Mallinson will be working for two days a week in Kindergarten, releasing Miss Theobald as she completes the IST role. She will also be working in Stage 3 at least one day a week alongside Miss Vinson and working with other children in a varied role.

Mrs Mallinson is an experienced teacher, and we wish her all of the best with her new role here at St Joseph’s Wee Waa.




A massive congratulations also to Mrs Jill Haire on the birth of her first Grandson, Rory. Mrs Haire will be taking a few weeks leave to travel up to Queensland to be with her daughter, Lisa, son in law Jesse and new baby Rory. Good luck and God Bless.




Just a general reminder about sickness: If your child shows signs or symptoms of being unwell, please keep your children at home. We have noticed an increase in the number of children presenting to school with flu-like symptoms. We need to ensure that we consistently monitor handwashing and hand sanitising at school. 


If your child is staying home, please send a message to the school or complete an absentee form via Compass. If children are sick or unwell at school, we will ask you to pick them up from the school office.


Adding an absentee note:



Cross Country


Congratulations to our crew from St Joseph’s, who competed in Baraba last week in Cross Country. I had reports from parents and other school leaders about our students, especially on how respectful our children were during this event.

Mother’s Day Stall


A special thank you to our parents who volunteered their time to coordinate our Mothers Day Stall. It was wonderful to see our students carefully select and purchase a gift for their mum, grandma, aunt, or loved one. 


Catholic Schools Week & Mass


Next week is Catholic Schools Week. The theme this year is “Faith in the Future”. 


If you are able to attend, please RSVP via


There will be an email go out to each family inviting you all to our celebration of 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia.




Enrolments for 2022 are now open! If you have a school-age child and they are attending St Joseph’s next year, we have a Future Enrolments Parent Information Night on Monday 31 May at 5.15 pm. 


If you are able to attend, please RSVP via


If you know others in the community with school-age children, please invite them along. 


Winter Uniform Modifications


Following parental consultation at our last P&F meeting, we discussed trialling a modification to our school’s winter uniform. 


A detailed document regarding this will be posted out, including pictures. The modification would lead to boys being able to wear shorts, with their long shirts and ties (especially as the weather improves over the end of winter). They will however need to wear long socks if they are wearing shorts, which will be available to purchase from our school office only. Similarly with girls, if they do not wish to wear tights under their pinafore, there will be long socks that girls can wear in place of their tights. These will also be purchased via our school office.


Importantly though, our school uniform is to be worn in full. Currently, while the weather is a little cooler, students can wear winter uniform, as long as it is the full winter uniform, inclusive of our school tie.


Further clarification will be sent out regarding this uniform trial.




Congratulations to all of our Year 3 & Year 5 students who have successfully completed their NAPLAN assessments this year! You have all participated well and challenged yourself through these assessments.


God Bless,


Alistair Stewart
