Student Achievement Awards - 17th May 2021


Blossom, congratulations for growing as a writer! You have been arduously working to improve your writing by listening to your sounds and using finger spaces. Keep on shining Blossom!


Well done Thinari on your fantastic enthusiasm in writing this week. You used some great descriptive words to describe your mum's personality and what she looks like.


Well done Thea on the effort you have put into your writing this term. You wrote a wonderful information report about kittens this week. You included a heading, subheadings, capital letters and fullstops. Keep up the great work Thea!


Maddi, congratulations on all the ideas you generated this week from 'It's Not a Stick.' You really concentrated on using the Power of Three for each one and you wrote some awesome words that you can now use in your writing. Great work.


Congratulations Mithun on your fantastic Information Report 'All About Extraordinary Penguins'. You worked hard to include a title, headings, facts and use your writing goal. You included connectives such as 'although' and 'however'. Keep up the great work!


Noah, congratulations on the wonderful progress you have made with your reading. You are working so hard to use your understanding of phonics to help you sound out unfamiliar words. Keep up the fantastic work!


Congratulations Shreya on your magnificent start to Year 3 at Syndal South Primary School. You have been confronted with many new rules and routines and have shown to approach each with enthusiasm and resilience. Welcome to Syndal South and we wish you a wonderful year in 3P!


Well done Selena on the progress you are making in writing. You are making fantastic word choices and using beautiful handwriting. You have also shown initiative and responsibility by helping both grade 3 classes with ICT. Great job Selena!


Asher, a huge congratulations on all the hard work you have been doing so far this term. I have been super impressed with the way you have followed the structure of a persuasive text to write convincing arguments on a range of topics! You're a star!


Vethum is always displaying our school values and sets a great example in the classroom. Recently, Vethum has done a great job structuring his persuasive writing and using connectives to link his paragraphs.


Congratulations Heran on the magnificent work you have been doing in recreating the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. You sequenced the events in the correct order, drew colourful matching pictures and read the text out loud beautifully. You should be super proud of your work! Well done and keep it up!


Congratulations Mia for being an enthusiastic learner and for always contributing thoughtful comments during class discussions. You are doing a great job representing 5GP at SRC meetings and you actively seek out ideas from your classmates to improve Syndal South Primary School. Keep up the fantastic work!


Congratulations Mischa on your amazing piece of homework this week. Your timeline of major historical events in Australia's History was detailed and creatively presented. You are a Super Star.


Congratulations Abbie on being our Homework superstar! Every week you produce original and unique homework unlike anything we have seen before. You inspire us with your creative ideas! Keep up the amazing work!

Junior Japanese



I was really impressed with Neelay's work on Kanji numbers in Japanese class this week. He made a noticeable improvement in his attitude and put in his best efforts into all activities this week. You did an ace job, Neelay!

Senior Japanese



Shaurya is a student who shows great interest in the Japanese language. He asks questions to know more and it's really encouraging to see a student who also participates enthusiastically in all class activities. Well done, Shaurya!

ScienceJessica 3S

For writing a detailed observation about the differences in growth of her bean plants and explaining the variation in relation to plant needs.