General Information

What our students are working on or needing.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to the students who celebrate their birthday this week:

Porter Arandale, Jett Mitchell, Felicity Adams


Up to date Contact Information

It is very important that the school has up to date contact information for each child. If we do not have the correct information at the school it is difficult for us to contact you if need be. If your details change during the year please contact the school as soon as possible.


Illnesses and Unwell Children

At the moment there are some children with vomiting, headaches, coughs, sore throats and runny noses who are still attending school. 

Just a reminder that if your child is unwell please do not send them to school. Illnesses are spread easily between children and on to staff 


Student achievements

The students at St Joseph’s are involved with a lot of activities as part of representing their school. It is great to be able to share the student’s achievements with the other students, the staff and the wider school community. At some events staff are unable to attend so rely on parent feedback. If your child does represent St Joseph’s at any event and you happen to take a photo (or team photo) please send it via email to the school and space permitting; we will add it to the newsletter.


Donut Day & Donut Drive

A sincere thank you for the incredible support received for the Donut Day and Donut Drive fundraising activities to assist the efforts of Smeatons Bakery in raising money for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. We shall provide the total of our fundraising efforts in next week's newsletter.


Please do not forget to collect your donut orders from the School Hall (through Meade Street gate) on the following days:


Infants - Wednesday 3pm

Primary - Thursday 3pm

Book Club - Issue 4

If you wish to place an order in Issue 4 it is due at the school by FRIDAY 4th June. As Scholastic gives the school a best before date to place our orders we ask that the orders be returned to school by the due date we cannot accept late orders. Thank you for your continued support.



There are a lot of items in the lost property box outside Stage 3 Red classroom at the moment. If your child has lost anything please get them to have a look in the box.