Mission News

Mr Luke McMahon

Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat 6 June 

Jiménez Deredia statue of St Marcellin Champagnat in the Basilica of Saint Peter at the Vatican
Jiménez Deredia statue of St Marcellin Champagnat in the Basilica of Saint Peter at the Vatican

The College will celebrate the Founder’s feast day on Friday 4 June with Eucharist in the Champagnat Centre starting at 11.00am, followed by shared lunch and an afternoon of games and activities to mark the occasion. Celebrating on this day connects our College to the global Marist family in more than 80 countries, including 54 Marist schools in Australia. Having begun schools for children in rural areas of France over 200 years ago, Fr Champagnat’s ultimate concern was to educate people to be followers of Jesus through following the Marist way. One of his best-known aphorisms to the early Brothers was All to Jesus through Mary, All to Mary for Jesus. And so it is for us at Ashgrove. At the end of his life in 1840, Fr Champagnat implored those who would succeed him: “The command I leave you, is to love one another, as children of the same Father who is God, of the same Mother who is Mary. Having but one heart and mind, forming but one family, united in the same ideals, you are to work in your community solely for the establishment of God’s kingdom, finding the strength and vitality needed for this task in your fraternal union.” This is what we will be reminded of as we celebrate the Feast and it is to this that we aspire to become as a Marist community. 

National Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June 

There can be little doubt that more and more Australians are coming to an awareness of our First Nations cultures and knowledge. Protest movements in other parts of the world and increasing numbers of Australians joining protest and awareness-raising initiatives in this country are enabling us to understand how European colonialism and the workings of the State have impacted so negatively on Aboriginal and Torres Strait families and families over such a long period of time. 


This year’s theme, more than a word, reconciliation takes action, could not be more timely or appropriate. It is in all our interests to work for a more just, equitable and reconciled Australia. 


All Catholics will have had a sacramental experience of Reconciliation at some point in their formation. Reconciliation reflects the example set us by Jesus Christ. Christians especially, are challenged to reconcile with others. Understanding the stories, experiences and perspectives of the other is the starting point in the process. Acknowledging that our actions have caused pain to another can be confronting. Changing our behaviours is difficult. 


The 2021 National Reconciliation Week theme, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.


Reconciliation Australia has complied 20 actions for reconciliation to encourage us to speak up, question and act. The full list is explained here (https://nrw.reconciliation.org.au/actions-forreconciliation/) 


Move from being an ally to being an accomplice; call out racism; know our true history; know our local history; create a safe and welcoming place; make reconciliation everyone’s business; leverage the capacity we have as a school to model and drive change; support research in Indigenous history; support community-controlled and Indigenous governed organisations; get your facts first-hand; act to protect First Nations cultures; support Aboriginal and Torres Strait economic development; support calls for First Peoples such as treaties, constitutional reform, and the Uluru Statement from the Heart; challenge our leaders to take action on justice; buy from First Nations businesses; defend Land Rights and Native Title; acknowledge Country; care for Country; speak up for First Nations languages; involve yourself beyond 2021 National Reconciliation Week. 

Important Year 12 Retreat Reminder – RSVP by Monday 14 June

The Year 12 Retreats are scheduled for Week 1 of Term 3 on the College Calendar from Wednesday 14 July until Friday 16 July 2021. It is expected and understood that all Year 12 students will attend. 


If you have not already done so, please provide consent for your son to attend the Year 12 Retreat via Parent Lounge and ensure that you update and verify your son’s medical details and request any special dietary requirements by Monday 14 June. 


Go to Parent Lounge select “Events and Payments” then “Year 12 Retreat 2021”

Should you have any difficulties logging in to Parent Lounge, please contact our Help Desk at computerservice@marash.qld.edu.au or contact Liz Spry in the Mission Office at spryl@marash.qld.edu.au or phone (07) 3858 4582 

Social Justice Forum 

On Tuesday 25 May, seven representative students from the College participated in a Social Justice Forum hosted by the students of All Hallows School.  The forum was an eye-opening experience that gave many of the Catholic High schools in Brisbane an opportunity to gather and learn about and discuss the ever-more prevalent issue of Human Trafficking within Australia and internationally. The four elite and knowledgeable guest speakers provided background, information and hard facts about this issue, framing it in a Catholic context. The forum was also an opportunity to interact with students of the same age to better understand peer perceptions and views on the topic. The evening finished with an enjoyable and enlightening and interactive discussion with the expert presenters. As young Marists we are compelled to be aware of, educate others and work for change, often in our everyday choices, of issues so central to our catholic understanding of the dignity of each person.   We thank All Hallows school for hosting and the College for making our representation possible.  Jacob Year 12 

Community Prayers

We pray for all in our community who are unwell and are suffering at this time. 

  • Riley Grace (OB 2020) injured in an accident

We pray for the repose of the souls of

  • Pat Burkett (Mother of past students and ex-teacher)

May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen

Chaplain’s Corner

June 6: Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. There seems to be an invisible type of glue that binds us to our families – our kin, our flesh and blood. Often additions who aren’t blood-related become attached through joining a family meal. Exodus speaks of God’s covenant with the Jewish people sealing their relationship with blood – a symbol of life. In the Gospel, Jesus offers his own flesh and blood to seal the new life-giving covenant, a reconciliation between God and creation that will last forever. At Eucharist, we re-enact this: receiving Jesus’ flesh and blood that transform us into what we receive. We share the meal together that is the invisible glue, binding us in a relationship to God, to each other and to all of creation. Jesus points to the time of the final future banquet – when all of creation has become kin when everyone is invisibly bound together as flesh and blood. We have been invited to the family meal; we share in the Body and Blood of Christ; we become Christ’s body in the world and blood-kin with everyone and everything. How might the Eucharist affect our lives today? What does it look like to share flesh and blood with Christ and all creation?


The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, have mercy on us.
Mary, our Good Mother, pray for us. 
St. Marcellin Champagnat, pray for us. 
St. Mary of the Cross, pray for us. 
And may we always remember to pray for one another.

Marist Youth Ministry Connect Night  

On Friday 28 May, the Marist Youth Ministry team hosted students from Marist schools in the greater Brisbane region for a connect night. The night was full of games and activities designed to widen our connections and make us think outside our own Marist school. We looked at how winter is a time to look within ourselves and renew our commitments and connections. We can see winter as a ‘dark time’ but it really is a gift from God for growth and renewal. 

Men Alive – Growing Good Men 2021 

A Father and teenage son weekend experience put on by the Men Alive team. For further information click the link below.




St Ignatius Parish - Women's Night of Spirituality