From the Head of College

Mr Michael Newman

The Simple Path

The Father so loved the world that he gave his only son. The Son gave up his life out of love for each one of us. The Holy Spirit remains with us – where there is love, there is God. The Father, Son and Spirit (Trinity) was celebrated on Sunday. It is our basic blessing each day. It is our mantra as Christians. As Mr Luke McMahon told all staff on Monday afternoon, our religion is simple really, it is about relationships and the way we treat and love one another.


George Carlin is a famous US comedian known for pushing the limits on many issues; he often relies on risqué topics and language and frequents large audiences, including on TV. He has, over time, been most critical, even condescending of religion. I share with you a recent reflection he gave after the passing of his wife. Interestingly, his views seem to culminate with the central and fundamental essence of the Trinity and Christianity – love. Here are few excerpts from his reflection, entitled, “The Me-Me-Me”.


The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider roads but narrower viewpoints. 
We spend more but have less, we buy more but enjoy less. 
We have bigger homes but smaller families, more conveniences but less time. 
We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge but less judgement, more experts yet less problems, more medicine but less wellness. 
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. 
We have multiplied our possessions but reduces our values. 
We talk too much, love too seldom and hate too often. 
We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life but not life to years.
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour. 
We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things but not better things. 
We’ve cleaned up the air but polluted our soul. We’ve conquered the atom but not our prejudice. We write more but learn less. We plan more but accomplish less. 
We’ve learned to rush but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever but we communicate less and less. These are times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses but broken homes. 
These are days of quick trips, disposable nappies, throw-away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies and pills for everything from cheer to quiet to kill. 
It is a time when there is much in the show-room window and nothing in the stockroom.
A time when technology can bring this and other letters to you and you can choose to view them or just hit delete. 
Remember to spend time with your loves ones because they are not going to be around forever. 
Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person will soon grow up and leave your side. 
Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent. 
Remember to say, “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, and most of all, mean it. A kiss and an embrace will heal hurt when it comes from deep inside you. 
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. 
Give time to love. Give time to speak and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaks we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


Let us conclude with the words of Mother Teresa – an Albanian-Indian catholic nun and missionary saint who spent her life caring and living for the poor and sick of Calcutta. She speaks of the simple path to a happy and fulfilled life. It’s a simple Christian summary similar to that of George Carlin –


The Simple Path
Silence is prayer.
Prayer is faith.
Faith is love.
Love is service.


God of the Trinity, may we as members of the Marist Ashgrove College family strive to live the simple path of love. Amen.

Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat

This Friday 4 June, Marist College Ashgrove celebrates the founder of the Marist Brothers, St Marcellin Champagnat. Champagnat was inspired to commence an order of brothers to teach the poor and underprivileged youth of Southern France. His inspiration came from a chance meeting with a dying boy who was poorly educated and who knew little about God. From here Champagnat was motivated and empowered to respond in a positive way. He founded an order of Brothers to teach young people, spreading throughout Europe and all countries of the world including Australia in Brisbane Ashgrove in 1940. On Friday, we celebrate the Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat with a College Mass together, followed by a shared lunch and fun activities in the afternoon. Our history and heritage are a proud one which we celebrate on Friday and in turn, honour the foresight and the many outstanding and generous Marist Brother giants on whose shoulders we stand today. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are not encouraging families to join us for the mass; however, it will be recorded and available to watch through the College App. Happy Champagnat Day, Marist Ashgrove.

2021 Walkathon

My thanks are extended to the Parents and Friends Association and the generous staff who have organised and will be facilitating the 2021 Walkathon this Sunday 6 June. The annual College Walkathon will again be held through the grounds of the Enoggera Barracks, for which we are very grateful. All monies raised will be going to the purchase of fans in the Champagnat Centre and a much-needed external renovation and restoration of this building, for your sons. May I encourage all families to ensure that their sons have collated all their money early this week so that these improvements can be materialised for the boys. Prizes for the most money raised include a football or rugby ball, tickets to the State of Origin and a pizza party.


This is a compulsory event for all students on Sunday. We look forward to families joining us for this enjoyable community event and important annual fundraiser for the College. 

Year 11 Information Evening

Our present Year 10 boys and parents are invited to attend the upcoming Year 11 Information Evening at 6:00pm next Tuesday 8 June, in the Champagnat Centre.


On this evening, you will be able to hear about the choice of subjects available to your son. He will be required to choose his course of study for 2022. Further to this, you can view and discuss subject offerings with teachers of the relevant subjects. This is a very important information evening ensuring that all boys choose the best possible subjects which cater for their future pathway whether university, vocational or employment bound. I look forward to meeting with all Year 10 boys and their families. My thanks are extended to our Year 7-12 curriculum team for their preparation and presentations on this evening – Bruce McPhee (Deputy Head of College), Angela Simpson (Head of Teaching and Learning), Roxanne Rosenberg (Head of Data and Pedagogical Practices) and Jen Smeed (Senior Learning Leader).


This event is compulsory for our current Year 10 students. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we ask that only one parent or guardian attends. Please register your attendance through trybooking.

Year 10 Examination Block

The Year 10 examination block will be held from Tuesday 15 June to Friday 18 June (Week 9). The reason for the examination block is to allow the boys the opportunity to study at home in a familiar setting where there is a more enticing environment for study. Such an opportunity may not be the scenario for all students so in this examination block we will trial a combination of both home and school study. Students can travel to and from school and home to study/complete exams, or they can simply study at school in set classrooms under teacher supervision between exams. We believe that both offerings for our Year 10 boys may be of benefit to some families and lead to a more efficient use of this time of study. We wish all Year 10 boys the best of luck with their studies and preparation for their examinations. We would appreciate parent feedback on the viability of this trial post the exam block.


If your son’s preference is to study at the College, parents are asked to book their son into the study hall. Please follow this link - Year 10 Exam Block - Study Hall Booking

AIC Cross Country Championships

Best wishes are extended to the Marist College Ashgrove Cross Country Team who will participate in the AIC Carnival this Wednesday 2 June. This carnival will be held at Curlew Park, Sandgate. The bus departs Marist at 7:50am and will return to the College by approximately 3:00pm. Times of events are as follows: 

  • 10:15am - Year 5
  • 10:30am - Year 6
  • 10:50am -12 Years
  • 11:10am - 13 Years
  • 11:30am - 14 Years
  • 12:00pm - 15 years
  • 12:30pm - 16 Years
  • 1:00pm - Open
  • 1:45pm - 2:00pm - Presentation

Thank you to Mr Shane Ward (Head Coach), his assistants, Brendan Furdek and Corey Lucas (Sports Department) who have organised and have prepared the boys for the annual AIC Cross Country Championships. Good luck, gentlemen.

Year 11 Entrepreneur

Congratulations Year 11 Student, Angus Healy who recently sat down with Jonty Bush MP and Judy Jones Head of Business to talk about his successful business program. Angus is a small business owner. A few years ago he set up his own dog walking and pet sitting business, ‘Happy Paws by Angus’. He started by walking just one dog and his business has grown exponentially now caring for many dogs. Angus identified the businesses potential and it has grown into something of great prominence today. It is commendable to witness the ambition and entrepreneurship of Angus and many other students through this business program. Well done, Angus.


Coming Events

Tuesday 1 June

  • Reconciliation - Chapel - 8:00am
  • Creative Industries Week - continues
  • Country Boarding Visit – ICAP QLD Conference Cunnamulla - continues
  • Year 5 and 6 da Vinci Decathlon Excursion
  • Old Boys’ Association Meeting – Tower Function Room - 7:00pm

Wednesday 2 June

  • Mass in Chapel
  • AIC Cross Country Championships
  • 1st XI Football - Uhlsport Cup

Thursday 3 June

  • SVdP Sausage Sizzle – Main Yard
  • Semester 1 Concert Celebrations – Draney Theatre

Friday 4 June

  • Walkathon Progress Chart Update – Main Yard
  • Mass for Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat
  • Champagnat Day Whole School Activities on McMahon Oval
  • Round 6 Chess v SPLC (A)

Saturday 5 June

  • World Environment Day
  • Round 6 AIC Rugby/Football v SPLC - Indigenous Round (A)

Sunday 6 June

  • Walkathon
  • Battle of the Bands
  • Boarders’ Mass - 6:00pm (Chapel)

Tuesday 8 June

  • Year 11 Information Evening

Friday 11 June

  • Champagnat Trust Sports Lunch
College Assembly - Sorry Day
College Assembly - Sorry Day
College Assembly - Sorry Day
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
AIC Chess vs Iona
AIC Chess vs Iona
Old Boys Sports Day
Old Boys Sports Day
AIC Football vs Iona
AIC Rugby Union vs Iona
College Assembly - Sorry Day
College Assembly - Sorry Day
College Assembly - Sorry Day
Winter Concert
Winter Concert
AIC Chess vs Iona
AIC Chess vs Iona
Old Boys Sports Day
Old Boys Sports Day
AIC Football vs Iona
AIC Rugby Union vs Iona