school life

cross country 

'Congratulations to all students who participated in the BNW Cross Country Carnival today, it was an amazing effort by all students, staff and parent helpers! Well done to students who finished in the top 8 of their age group, this means you will be competing at the District Cross Country in term 2.



Overall results:

1st - Kuning

2nd - Biru

3rd - Hijau

4th - Merah


U10 Girls

1st - Neko (BM) (Kuning)

2nd - Esmeralda (MM) (Biru)

3rd - Pippa (BD) (Kuning)


U10 Boys

1st - Luc (KM) (Hijau)

2nd - Elijah (RAH) (Hijau)

3rd - Charlie (KM) (Merah)


U11 Girls

1st - Ruby (DR) (Kuning)

2nd - Maddie (TP) (Merah)

3rd - Antonia (AL) (Biru)


U11 Boys

1st - Fergus (MM) (Kuning)

2nd - Orvis (MM) (Kuning)

3rd - Charlie (JW) (Biru)


U12 Girls

1st - Mila (AL) (Kuning)

2nd - Chiara (MM) (Kuning)

3rd - Gia (MM) (Biru)


U12 Boys

1st - Marco (JW) (Biru)

2nd - Lenny (MM) (Biru)

3rd - Tom (JW) (Kuning)





maths news 

Happy Friday BNWPS families! If you haven’t seen on Twitter, BNW Maths have started a blog. This is a place where I can write longer articles on a range of different topics, without taking up too much space in the newsletter. Our first article looks at maths anxiety, a very real thing that affects the way student’s brains work when they are experiencing it. We learnt about it during our first PMSS session for the year and it really stood out to me. Follow this link to find out more.

I will be aiming to write a blog every week so keep an eye out on twitter when a new blog is up and ready to read. Our twitter is: @BnwpsM

