Foundation–Celebrating Learning

The last two weeks have been busy in prep. We had our first two weeks of swimming, which were very successful! All children enjoyed their lessons and showed great maturity at the pool. Back in the classrooms we have been balancing the necessary recuperation and rest needed post swimming and our learning. 


We have been learning ordinal numbers (1 - 5) through a story with some animals that go on an adventure and get all mixed up! We have been continuing with independent reading and recount writing. In measurement and geometry we have been looking at lengths, particularly the length of some wonderful, wiggly, wooly worms. 

During inside creative play we have been practising our balancing, creativity and building for all sorts of reasons. All these experiences have helped our kids with their imagination and team building skills. 


We were very lucky this week to have a visit from Milly’s father Steve who made us fruit salad to celebrate International Chefs day! This was a great opportunity to speak about healthy food, where it comes from and why it’s good for us. 


Enjoy the long weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone refreshed when we come back next week!