Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts!

Prep M                                    

Mia P  


Sebastian G

Logan M

For having a go at stretching out the sounds in words and recording them.

For awesome work at sharing lollies in maths so the groups are equal.

For excellent buddy reading with a partner.


Bella F

Hunter K

Luna A

For treating others with care and compassion.

For asking questions to learn more.

For persisting and trying her best.

3/4CCharlie GWorking hard on his handwriting to achieve pen learners 

Abbey P

Tait G

Juliet P


Jaiden R

Mea H

Zara C

For being a respectful and polite classmate.

For working super hard to pass his Blitzmasters.

For always working hard to complete her school work to the best of her ability.

For having a more positive attitude towards his Schooling.

For always completing her work to the best of her ability.

For always being polite and respectful.