School Report 

Important Dates – Pupil Free Days

Friday December 4th - Reports go home

Tuesday December 8th - Statewide K/P-6/7 Orientation Day 

Friday December 11th - Warburton Bike Ride

Wednesday, December 16th - Meet the Teacher Day 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Friday, December 18th - Curriculum Day.

Key Dates for 2021

Teachers Return - 27th January, 2021

Students Return - 28th January, 2021

School Photos - 11th March, 2021

Alpha Show -11th June, 12.15pm-3.30pm

Sun smart
Sun smart


A reminder that all students are now required to wear hats at school when outside.

Upper Yarra Transiton Session

Kinder to Prep Transition Photos

Foundation Information Video

Last week, we sent out a link to our future prep parents and families for our Foundation Information Video. This replaced our onsite session. 

We are so excited to share this video with our Launching Place Primary School community as well. We hope you enjoy watching our video and learning more about all the wonderful things we do at Launching Place Primary School. 

Please find a link to our Foundation Information Video 


If you have any questions, please contact the school office on 5964-7783. 

Parent Contributions 2021

Recently all families would have received the parent contribution for 2021.This year it is possible to pay on Compass. 

Voluntary contributions go to priorities which are to the benefit of all students at school and for which we are extremely grateful.It is important to reiterate that our information technology program has only been made possible by families paying the Voluntary Contribution.  

This year we have also introduced an voluntary contribution envirnomental sustainability- gardening,landscaping,biodeversity program.

This program also benefits all students at our School.


2020 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

As LPPS school year comes to an end, we take the opportunity to reflect and discuss with our staff and the school community how we have managed in 2020. We evaluate what we have learned including measuring student learning growth by comparing a student’s individual progress over time.


Our School Improvement Team (SIT) has lead the process of monitoring our 2020 AIP and regularly reflected on the implementation of AIP activities and key improvement strategies. The team have provided commentary on progress and impact to date, identified enablers and barriers, and considered next steps. This ongoing practice is facilitated by our reflective school culture, regular sharing of teacher practice, and a willingness to learn and adapt practice.

The goals and targets set in our 2020 AIP have established a clear direction for improving student outcomes and have focused on:

  • Improving literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students
  • Improving student voice and agency in their learning
  • Improve student engagement and wellbeing

Through this process, a culture of collective responsibility for improving student outcomes has been developed for all staff across the school and multiple sources of evidence has been collected. Whilst Covid-19 has altered the way we operate as a school we have continued our journey of improvement and continued to identify areas of practice that require attention in order to deliver improved student outcomes despite the changes.​ These included our:

  • D​​ocumented curriculum plan, assessment and shared pedagogical approaches
  • School-based professional learning program developed and implemented that supports the school’s identified improvement strategies
  • School improvement team formed to develop, oversee and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the annual implementation plan: for improving student outcomes
  • Student voice, leadership and agency in own learning activated so students have positive school experiences and can act as partners in school improvement
  • Whole school approach to health, wellbeing, inclusion and engagement
  • Moderation of common student assessment tasks
  • Data collection, analysis and evaluation of student learning growth over time
  • Explicit use of evidence-based school improvement strategies and teacher professional practice activities



Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

From Wednesday the 2nd of December to Monday the 14th of December, Launching Place  School will be running a Christmas Post. Each class will have their own mail box for students to post their Christmas cards and letters to their friends.


The post box will be collected at 9.15am.  It will be sorted during the day by Santa’s helpers and delivered back to grades between 3pm and 3.30pm.


Please write the person’s first name, last name (or initial) and grade on the envelope.




Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

  Reminder from the Office re: End of year

Office needs before the Christmas Break.

  • · Please ensure all cash payments are completed on or before Friday 11th December. No cash payments will be accepted after the 11th. Payments after this date will need to be by EFT or direct deposit.
  • All medications will need to be picked from the office for your child on the Thursday 17th Decemeber.
  • ·Grade 6 Uniforms and graduation need to be fully paid by the 11th December and students will receive their uniform  at the last assembly.

The admin staff would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.

Parent, Teacher Interviews

This Friday you will receive your child’s report. 

We normally don’t have interview at this time of year however, due to the unusual year we have had, Parent teacher interviews will be offered o Wednesday the 9th December. Theses interviews are optional.

If you require an interview please contact your child’s teacher via compass.