Performing Arts

Dear Parent/s and Caregivers, 

The students are looking and sounding wonderful as they practise and perform the carols. Thank you to those parents who have sent Christmas headgear in and to those who have sent extra for others. Your child has no doubt come home and told you that I have recorded their performance on the iPad. This is a test run to check if the performance will work. So far it looks great. I am going to record next week on Tuesday (8/12) and Thursday (10/12) during their music lesson. So, if your child/children haven’t brought in their Christmas headgear now would be a good time and they can hand it to their class teacher. 

Thank you to those parents who have given permission for their child/children to be in the video. After much consultation with Sue, Jimmy and I we have decided that we will be 'releasing' the video on Google Classroom and Seesaw for your viewing pleasure. A flyer will be sent home soon.

I know it has been a difficult year and things are moving fast and I want to thank you for your patience and support during this time. 


Thank you.

Natika Jenes