
Making the world a better place, one action at a time

Sustainability Celebrations

We were very fortunate to have a virtual visit from a marine biologist , Matt, who works with the City of Port Phillip to promote correct sustainable practises within the community.


Our students learnt about the variety of sea creatures that exist in our local waters and the unfortunate tales of when they get ill from rubbish pollution. Matt encouraged our students to think of ways to repurpose plastic to avoid it from ending up in our water systems. He taught us about sea creatures like the sea dragon that aren't smart enough to understand the difference between rubbish and food. It is up to us to save them.


We were very impressed with our student's thoughtful questions asked to our expert Matt. We would like to thank our students who participated positively with this experience. 


We look forward to working with the City of Port Phillip to further improve our sustainability practises in the future. 


Our Sustainability Leaders

We would like to give a huge thank you to our hard working sustainability leaders Riley, Ally, Roshan and Shaurya. They have been working behind the scenes all year to monitor and empty our recycling and organic waste in the school. They also continued to show their leadership during our remote learning by participating and promoting our mission statements. We couldn't have asked for a better team! We look forward to our leaders next year continuing the standard these leaders have set this year. 


Looking forward...

We are working behind the scenes to further improve our sustainability practises in the school for next year. As a community we want to make sure we are working together to make a positive impact. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve please don't hesitate to reach out. You can email our sustainability coordinator