
Term 4 Canteen Roster as at 9 December 2020

Thank you to all SJB Canteen Volunteers

A special thank you to all our SJB Canteen Volunteers over the years.  All your help has been hugely appreciated and the children loved seeing your smiling faces.  We couldn't have done it without you.

2 days to go..

With the canteen preparing to close for the year we are trying to avoid having too much left over. To help with this we will not be ordering any more pastas. If these items appear unavailable on the app that means there are no more left. If this is the case can you please choose something else for your child. The app will be updated to reflect current stock levels. Thank you for your understanding. 

Frozen Treats

To assist with selling off the current stock in the canteen we will be selling the frozen treats in a different way starting from Week 7.  


All of the frozen treats we have available will no longer be listed individually on the menu/app. There will just be one listing for “Frozen Treats”. 


If you order one of these for you child they will receive a little card in their lunch order bag as per normal. They will then take this card up to the canteen during eating time and the volunteers will present them with a selection of what we have available and they can make their choice. 


All items will be priced at $1.