Religion News 

Religious Education in 2021

You have planted them, and they have taken root; they grow and bear fruit. Jeremiah 12:2

Welcome to our new school year. We have begun our year together learning about prayer and developing our Learning Group prayer routines. Each morning, we gather around our Learning Group prayer mat to join in meditation and share our personal intentions. 

Kiah's Learning Group
Elizabeth's Learning Group
Kiah's Learning Group
Elizabeth's Learning Group


I invite you to join together with your family as we begin our year together...


A Prayer for the Start of the Year

This new year, like a new born child, 
Is placed in our hands 
As the old year passes away 
The days and weeks and months to come 
Are pure gift; They carry God's blessing. 
As a blessing, we welcome them. 
Our hope for the year that has been 
is that all that was good in it, remain with us 
And all that was harmful, be left behind. 
Bless us, O God, And bless the time and seasons yet to come. 
Teach us to number our days aright, 
that we may gain wisdom of heart. 
And fill this new year with your kindness, 
that we may reflect this in our own spirit to all who pass our way.


Sacramental Program Dates 2021


This year we are once again excited and blessed to have the opportunity to prepare our students for three important moments of grace in their lives as Catholics; the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. 


A note has been distributed to all students in Year 3-6 to indicate intention to participate in the Sacramental Program in 2021. Please return the bottom of this note as soon as possible. 


A Reconciliation Family Sacramental Evening will take place in the OLSC Hall on Wednesday 24th February at 6:30pm. All students intending to receive the sacrament, as well as their families, must attend this session. 


Yours in Christ,


Catholic Identity Leader